Chapter 2: First encounter

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July 18:

Kushi Pov:
Its 6:30 Am, I have just arrived at Manglore bus stop. As I got down from my bus, Another bus was ready which would take me to moodbidre in front of my college. I hurriedly boarded the bus pushing my two bags. I wondered why my mom packed so many snacks. This bag is so heavy 😶.
Its again a 1 hour journey now to reach my Uni. I'm just too tired now, I want to reach my room and sleep.

As bus started, I was staring outside the window, cold breeze was hitting my face and I saw the ocean. The waves trying to touch that slowly rising sun, so calm and beautiful it is. With that all my tiredness and sleepiness washed away. Oh! How i missed this place. Manglore is like my second home now.
At around 8:00 I stood outside gates of Alvas, The huge and beautiful campus.
I showed my id to watchmen and entered and headed towards my hostel, its 15 min walk from the gates of enginerring campus. I entered my hostel and headed straight towards my room. My room mate who was third year compuster science student, she has not arrived yet. I frenshened up arranged few things and ate some snacks which my mom packed and slept.

I opened my eyes to phone buzzing, it was payal. I accepted her call.
Payal: Hey sleeping beauty. I have arrived. Coming to your room open the door.
Me still yawing : okay

Payal came to my room we chit chated few hours and went for dinner.
Payal: Do you know sakshi is dating prakash now.
Me: really! But her bf was shashank right, when did this happen.
Payal: This is casual dating era bae, Love changes in blink of an eye now a days.
Me: I agree. I feel we are not meant for this new generation😂
Payal: I agree we are old souls. But we are better bae, we respect our parents and in this age our main focus should be our studies.
Me : I totally agree, I only promised my dad that eduaction will be my first priority and i will not distract myself.
Payal : hmm, lets go I will sleep today in your room and tomorrow lets go to beach and also i need to so some shopping.
Me : okies

Next day we went to beach and enjoyed our time and also did few shopping. Came back to our rooms and slept.

Next day was our first day of 3rd sem and fist day in our department.
I and payal got ready and went to our uni's third floor where our department was there. Third sem students were present in first class which was beside staff room. We went there and took last second seats as all the front seats were occupied.
There were lots of new faces and few old faces from our first year. I saw Anita waving her hands at us. We waved back.
And like this everyone was excited and then one teacher came to our class. He introduced himself as Ravi upadhya.
Ravi sir : Good morning my dear students! Warm Welcome to our department!. I hope you have enjoyed your holidays and now you need to concentrate more on your goals. Our department is known for its achivement and discipline. We not only concentrate on theory but also practicle and we want each and every student to keep up to the standard of our department.
So, your formal induction is done next week. On the induction day each of you needs to prepare a presentation of 5 min on the topic whichever interests you in electronics and communication.
If there are any doubts then find me. Your classes will start next week after the induction.

We all looked at each other with worry. It is first time we would be giving presentation that too in first week of entering our department.
Ravi sir went out of classroom and we also dispersed. I and payal went to canteen as we were craving for chai.
Payal: Aree yar! Now we need to prepare PPT.
Me : Han bae our department is planning for our encounter in the first week only.
Payal: im getting tensed how this year will be yaar.
Me: same here bae, same here.
Anita also came to our table with the plate of idli.
Anita: Guyz after you left there was this hot new teacher who went to the staff room. I never saw him before, god! He is so handsome. Everyone were talking about him.
Payal : ohh we missed the chance to see him kush!
I just shrugged : guyzz we need to prepare ppt yar. Lets head to library

After having our breakfast and chai in canteen we headed to library to search topics for our presentation.

We had dinner around 9pm and I returned to my room and just slept on my bed thinking what to do for ppt. Anita and payal already had selected topic and here im still couldn't find a single topic which I like. I thought i will head to library early in morning and in fresh mind i could select something. I set an alaram of 6 am in mobile and slept.

Next day i got in one sprint as alaram went off and got fresh n up, headed to library.
I slected few books from basic of electronics and started going through i also opened few topics from google and was trying hard to find something.

Suddenly i saw in front a guy who was facing in opposite direction from me seaching for something in book rack. He was wearing formal's he is a teacher i guess and as i was thinking all this that guy took a book from the rack and 2-3 books fell down with it and i let out a small laugh and suddenly he turned to me and my breath got hitched in my throat, damm! He is handsome, but he stared at me with annoyance, his eyes shooting daggers. And i didn't know what to do so I looked into my books.
Oh god he is definately a teacher. Stupid me why did i laugh. Then when i looked up he was gone. I decided to head back to room for better concentration. I issued some books and headed back to my room.

Author's note : what will happen next, who is that handsome guy, is he a teacher?

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