Riot (Oc) x Thunderside (Friends Oc) (human au)

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Prompt/s: Riot: Stop whining, you're gonna get bred when I say you are.
Thunder ruts himself on Riot's knee needy as hell.
Thunder in Nothing but a collar and Riot's shirt to cover his body.
Thunder is mentally exhausted from a fight with Magnus and Riot pulls Thunder into his lap.
(Mind you Thunder is cannonly Magnus' sire and Riot is just- well his origin is a whole 'nother story-)
Riot and Thunder were in their quarters, Thunder dressed in nothing but a collar and Riot's shirt as the only covering for his body. Riot had promised to breed Thunder, but had yet to follow through. "Riot, please," Thunder whined, rutting himself on Riot's knee. "I need it." Riot chuckled, his hand running over Thunder's smooth skin. "Stop whining, you're gonna get bred when I say you are." Thunder let out a soft moan, his body desperate for release. He had been mentally exhausted from a fight with Magnus earlier in the day, and he needed this to ground him. Riot could sense Thunder's need, and he pulled him into his lap, holding him close. "Shh, it's okay," he murmured, nuzzling into Thunder's neck. "I've got you." Thunder relaxed into Riot's embrace, feeling safe and loved. He knew that Riot would take care of him, no matter what. He closed his eyes, letting himself drift in the comfort of Riot's arms. Riot held him for a few minutes, just enjoying the feel of Thunder's body against his own. But then he felt Thunder start to squirm again, rutting himself against Riot's thigh. Riot smirked, knowing that Thunder was back to being needy, "shh darling, I know you want me but you need to be patient." Riot hums softly, the black and purple man held the blue and gold neutral and purred. Thunder teared up, he needed this so badly to ground him but Riot was teasing him. Thunder whimpered and cried softly burying his head in Riot's neck making Riot raise an eyebrow. "Hey hey its ok, will being breed help you get over the fight darling?.." Thunder nodded, his tears still streaming down his face. "Yes, please, Riot. I need it." Riot smiled softly, his hand running through Thunder's hair. "Alright, then. Let's take care of you." He flipped Thunder over onto his back and smiled sadly, he knew his lover was getting older and he didnt want to hurt the smaller man. "How can I do this so your in less pain love?" Riot asked gently, slipping one arm under Thunder's back and rubbing it gently. He knew Thunder would eventually die and since Riot was immortal it sucked, he wanted desperately to ease his mates pain and make him immortal like him. Thunder looked up at Riot with a small smile, his love for the mech evident in his eyes. "It's okay, Riot. I trust you." Riot leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Thunder's lips. "I love you," he murmured, before pulling away and focusing on the task at hand. He was careful and gentle as he prepared Thunder, making sure to ease him into the experience as much as possible. Thunder moaned softly, his body responding to Riot's touch in ways that he couldn't control. As they moved together, Riot made sure to keep checking in with Thunder, making sure he was okay. Thunder responded with nods and soft moans, letting Riot know that he was enjoying the experience. Riot smiled and ran one hand through Thunder's hair, admiring the rusty blue color of it with the golden highlights. "I don't know what i'll do without you, love.." Riot mumbles softly Thunder looked up at Riot, his eyes filled with love and affection. "You'll always have me, Riot," he said softly. "Even if I'm not here physically, I'll always be with you." Riot smiled, his heart swelling with emotion. He knew that Thunder was right, and that his love for him would never fade. They continued to move together, lost in the pleasure and intimacy of the moment. Riot knew that he would do anything to make Thunder happy, to keep him safe and loved for all eternity. As they reached their peak, Riot let out a soft moan, his body shaking with pleasure. He collapsed onto Thunder's chest, his breathing heavy as he nuzzled into his neck. Thunder held him close, his arms wrapping around Riot's back. "I love you so much," he murmured, his voice soft and content. Riot smiled, feeling at peace and content in Thunder's embrace. Thunder yawned and drifted off before Riot could get up, that was the one thing he felt bad about. He wore the older mech out to often, Riot sighed softly and pulled put lifting Thunder up and walked to the bathroom. "Love come on, wake up for a little bit darling.." Thunder stirred as Riot carried him to the bathroom, his eyes half-open. "What is it, Riot?" he mumbled sleepily. Riot smiled down at him, his love evident in his eyes. "Just wanted to give you a quick shower before we go to bed," he said softly. Thunder nodded, letting Riot place him in the shower. The warm water felt good on his skin, and he leaned against Riot as he washed him. Riot was gentle and loving, taking his time to make sure that Thunder was clean and comfortable. Thunder appreciated the care and affection, feeling loved and cherished in Riot's arms. As they finished up, Riot wrapped a towel around Thunder and carried him back to their bed. Thunder snuggled into Riot's arms, feeling safe and content. "Thank you, Riot," he murmured, his voice soft and sleepy. Riot kissed the top of his head, his hand running through Thunder's hair. "Anything for you, my love," he said softly. "Sweet dreams." Riot purred softly and pulled Thunder close, he cherished every moment he could get with his mate before he got an idea. He sat up and gently covered Thunder up pulling away from the sleeping man and walking to his twins room knowing Zephyr would probably be in their since the smaller man loved Nitro so much. "Nitro, can i talk to you?" Riot asked his twin after poking his head in the room, Nitro nodded and came out. The taller black and green man raised an eyebrow and sighed softly. "I assume its about Thunder?...Riot i know you love him but think about it, does he want to be immortal?..." Riot nodded, his expression serious. "I know, Nitro. But I can't bear the thought of losing him. He's my everything." Nitro sighed, understanding his brother's pain. "I know, Riot. But immortality isn't always a gift. It comes with its own set of struggles and challenges. Have you talked to Thunder about this?" Riot shook his head, his eyes downcast. "No, I haven't. I don't want to pressure him into anything. But I can't help but think that if he were immortal, we could be together forever." Nitro placed a hand on Riot's shoulder, his expression gentle. "I understand, Riot. But you need to talk to him about this. It's not fair to keep him in the dark about your desires." Riot nodded, feeling grateful for Nitro's advice. "You're right. I'll talk to him as soon as he wakes up."  Nitro smiled, his hand still on Riot's shoulder. "Good luck, brother. I hope everything works out for the best." Riot nodded, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. He knew that he needed to have an honest conversation with Thunder, no matter how difficult it might be. He just hoped that they could come to a decision that would make them both happy. The next morning, Riot woke up to find Thunder still asleep, snuggled up against him. He smiled softly, feeling content and happy. But then he remembered the conversation he needed to have with Thunder about immortality. He took a deep breath and gently shook Thunder awake. "Hey, love, can we talk?" Thunder yawned and stretched, his eyes still heavy with sleep. "Sure, what is it?" Riot took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I've been thinking about our future together," he said softly. "And I know that I want to be with you forever. But I also know that you're mortal, and I'm not." Thunder looked up at Riot, his expression serious. "I know, Riot. It's something I've thought about too." Riot nodded, relieved that Thunder was open to the conversation. "I was wondering if you'd ever thought about becoming immortal," he said gently. Thunder hesitated, his expression thoughtful. "I have, but I'm not sure if it's something I want," he said slowly. "Immortality comes with its own set of challenges, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." Riot nodded, understanding Thunder's concerns. "I get that, love. But I can't bear the thought of losing you." Thunder leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Riot's lips. "I know, Riot. And I love you for that. But I don't want you to feel like you have to change who I am for us to be together." Riot smiled, feeling grateful for Thunder's understanding. "Thank you, love. I just want us to be happy, no matter what." Thunder nodded, snuggling back into Riot's embrace. "We will be, Riot. As long as we have each other." Riot smiled, feeling content and happy. He knew that Thunder was right, and that as long as they had each other, they could face anything. They spent the rest of the morning snuggled up together, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of their love.

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