Megatron x Magnus

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Prompts: According to Megatron, Magnus needs to learn to overload from being fucked in the aft, or Magnus won't get to overload at all. Ever.
"Tell me what you need, Magnus."
Magnus is secretly very sensitive to touch, a fact he tries to hide. Megatron discovers it on accident and is thrilled with how much his touch affects Magnus.
Megatron sighed as he rubbed his face, working in his and Magnus' shared hab he really wasnt in the mood to file reports for Rodimus again. He wanted to do something else, and when Magnus came in he had just the idea. Magnus flopped onto the berth with a quiet groan as Megatron got up and settled behind the other mech with a small chuckle, "Darling, you need to learn something." Megatron hums making Magnus glance over his shoulder and raise an optic ridge, "and what is it?" The commander asked as he tried to sit up but found Megatron holding him down with one servo close to his aft, Magnus froze for a moment before relaxed. "Ok, i get it. Fine, you can use me." He said with a small purr before he wiggled and shifted to his knees and elbows making Megatron purr and smirk. "From now on sweetspark, you overload from being fucked in the aft or you dont overload at all." The former warlord said as he shifted making Magnus whimper and shudder softly. Magnus obediently retracted his panel letting his never used valve take the spotlight now, Megatron growled softly and nipped at the commanders neck to distract him as he slipped a digit in the waiting valve making Magnus whine loudly and tense up. "Shh darling its alright, i know it feels weird." Megatron purred softly as he stretched his mate, the unpleasant feeling soon gave way and Magnus gave a small mewl trembling from the touch of Megatron draped across his back and lighting up never used sensors in his valve. Megatron could feel the tension in Magnus' body slowly easing as he worked his digit inside him, stretching him and preparing him for more. He could sense the commander's nervousness, but he also knew that Magnus was eager to please him and would do whatever it took to learn. With a small smile, Megatron added a second digit, curling them just so to hit Magnus' sweet spot. The commander cried out in pleasure, his body arching back towards Megatron's as he gave himself up to the sensation. Megatron could feel his own array throbbing with need, but he knew that this was about Magnus, about teaching him to overload in a new way. And so he continued to work his way inside Magnus, adding another digit and then another until the commander was moaning and writhing beneath him. Finally, when he knew that Magnus was ready, Megatron positioned himself at the entrance to Magnus' valve and pushed inside with one swift motion. Magnus cried out in pleasure, his body trembling with the intensity of sensation. Megatron moved slowly at first, giving Magnus time to adjust to the new feeling. But soon enough, he picked up the pace, his thrusts growing harder and faster with each passing moment. Magnus could feel himself getting closer and closer to overload, the pleasure building inside him until he thought he would burst. And then, with a cry of ecstasy, he overloaded, his body shaking with the intensity of it. Megatron followed soon after, his own release spilling out into the commander as he collapsed onto Magnus' back, holding him close. As they lay there, tangled together in a mess of cables and limbs, Megatron whispered softly in Magnus' audio receptors, "You did so well, my love. You learned quickly and pleased me greatly." Magnus smiled, feeling safe and loved in Megatron's arms. He knew that there was still much to learn about this new way of overloading, but with Megatron by his side, he was willing to try anything. Megatron pulled out of Magnus and rolled off of him, the two of them panting heavily as they tried to catch their breath. Magnus could feel his body tingling with the aftershocks of his overload, and he knew that he was already eager for more. Megatron wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close as they lay there in silence. Magnus could feel the warmth of Megatron's body against his, and he realized just how much he had missed this kind of intimate connection. "Tell me what you need, Magnus," Megatron whispered, his voice low and husky. Magnus hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. He had always been taught to be self-sufficient, to never rely on anyone else for his own pleasure. But with Megatron, he felt safe and wanted, and he knew that he could trust him. "I need you, Megatron," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need your touch, your love, your guidance." Megatron smiled, his own array throbbing with need at Magnus' words. He pulled Magnus closer, kissing him deeply and passionately, their bodies entwined in a mess of cables and limbs. And as they lay there, lost in their own pleasure, Magnus knew that he had found something special with Megatron, something that he had been missing all along.

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