Ootimus x Drift (Omegaverse)

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Prompt/s: Drift spilled some aphrodisiac into Optimus's drink.
Drift puts Optimus in a panel lock to keep him from fucking Drift. It turns out Drift has more control over the alpha then he thought.
Aka Drift parades around with his horny alpha to show how much control over Optimus he has

Drift watched nervously as Optimus took a sip of the drink he had prepared, his spark racing with anticipation. He had added a potent aphrodisiac to the energon, hoping to entice the powerful alpha into his bed. As the effects began to take hold, Optimus's eyes darkened with desire and he turned to Drift, a hungry look in his optics. "What did you do, Drift?" he growled, his voice low and rough with need. Drift swallowed hard, his own body responding to the alpha's dominant energy. "I...I added an aphrodisiac to your drink," he admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment and arousal heat his face. Optimus growled, clawed servo gripping the table. "You're going to pay for that, Drift," he said, his voice sending shivers down Drift's spinal strut. "But first, I need to take care of this," he added, gesturing to the slight bulge in his panel. Drift's spark raced with excitement as he watched the alpha struggle with his raging desire, unable to resist the urge to touch himself. But Drift had other plans. He knew that he couldn't let things get too out of hand. As much as he wanted to give in to his own desires, he had to maintain some control over the situation. With a quick flick of his wrist, he activated the panel lock, trapping Optimus's interface panel tightly shut. Optimus let out a frustrated growl, trying in vain to pry the lock open. But Drift just smiled smugly, knowing that he had the upper hand. "What's wrong, Optimus? Can't get what you want?" he taunted, parading around the room as the alpha struggled to break free. But even as he teased and taunted, Drift couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the power he had over the powerful alpha. He had always known that Optimus was a force to be reckoned with, but he had never imagined that he could have this much control over him.As he watched the alpha struggle and writhe against the lock, Drift felt a rush of excitement wash over him. He knew that he was in complete control, and he reveled in the feeling. He paraded around the room, teasing and taunting Optimus as he struggled to break free. Drift had an idea and planned on doing it, he quickly pounced on Optimus who snarled optics narrowed into slits as he fought Drift until there was a click and Drift managed to get a collar and muzzle onto the alpha. The samurai smirked as Optimus struggled before whining and baring his large fangs trying to bite Drift who in turn tugged the leash making Optimus hiss softly. Drift couldn't believe how easy it was to control Optimus. He tugged on the leash, making the alpha follow him as he walked around the room, he knew as soon as he let Optimus go he would be screwed so he planned to make this last as long as he could. He tugged Optimus out of the room and started to walk around the base, Ratchet nearly snickered and Optimus' claws retracted and he crouched down about to pounce on Ratchet, Drift had accidentally out him into a rut so all his processor was saying was 'fuck an omega' and that was all. Drift quickly pulled back on the leash, his heart racing with fear. He had never intended for things to go this far, and now he was afraid that he had lost control completely. But even as he struggled to regain his composure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of being the one in charge. As he led Optimus through the base, he could feel the alpha's desire growing stronger with every passing moment. He knew that he had to be careful, that he couldn't let things get too out of hand. But at the same time, he couldn't resist the temptation to tease and taunt the alpha, to show him just how much control he had. As they passed by the other Autobots, Drift couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He knew that they could all sense the power dynamic between him and Optimus, and he reveled in their awe and admiration. He paraded around with his horny alpha, showing off his prize to anyone who would look. But even as he enjoyed the feeling of power, Drift knew that he couldn't keep Optimus under his control forever. Eventually, he would have to let him go, and he knew that things would never be the same between them again. As the hours passed, Drift struggled to maintain his control over Optimus. The alpha's desire was overwhelming, and Drift knew that he could only hold out for so long. But even as he struggled, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of having the most powerful alpha in the base under his control. Eventually, Drift knew that he had to let Optimus go. As much as he enjoyed the feeling of power, he knew that he couldn't keep the alpha under his control forever. He went to remove the collar after removing the muzzle and Optimus snapped at his arm, large fangs sinking into the armor leaving a mark but not deep enough to draw energon. The alpha had been in a rut mindset to long, his systems couldn't regain control and the only thing he could do was snarl at Drift and back up claws raking against the walls. Drift quickly backed away, fear gripping his spark. He had never seen Optimus like this, and he knew that he had made a grave mistake. He had let things go too far, and now he was paying the price. As Optimus continued to snarl and lash out, Drift knew that he had to do something to calm him down. He tried to reason with him, to talk him out of his rut mindset, but it was no use. Optimus was too far gone, lost in his own desire. In the end, Drift knew that he had no choice but to call for help. He contacted Ratchet, hoping that the medic would be able to help him calm Optimus down and bring him back to his senses. Ratchet said the only way to bring Optimus back would be to give him an omega or two, or bring his whole pack there. But most of Optimus' pack was dead. Ironhide and Jazz, his old mates, were gone. Ratchet and Bee were the only two remaining pack members and only Ratchet was an Omega. Drift knew that he had to do something to help Optimus, and he couldn't bear the thought of leaving the alpha in this state. He racked his brain, trying to come up with a solution that didn't involve bringing in another omega.
In the end, he realized that there was only one option left. He would have to take the place of an omega himself. It was a risky move, and Drift knew that it could end badly. But he also knew that he couldn't just stand by and watch as Optimus suffered. With a deep breath, Drift approached Optimus, his spark racing with fear and anticipation. He knew that he was taking a huge risk, but he also knew that it was the right thing to do. As he got closer, Optimus snarled and bared his fangs, his eyes blazing with primal desire. But Drift didn't back down. He stood his ground, staring down the alpha with fierce determination. Ratchet came forward, chirping in an unfamiliar language that Optimus recognized, he approached his pack mate again and growled softly. Drift didnt know what to do until Ratchet chirped again and Optimus' helm snapped over to Drift, he crouched and let out a loud, demonic sounding snarl that made even Ratchet flinch back. Drift knew that he had to act fast. He quickly stripped off his armor, revealing his own interface panel. He knew that this was a risky move, but he also knew that it was the only way to help Optimus. He approached the alpha again, his spark racing with fear and excitement. He could feel the heat radiating off of Optimus's body, and he knew that he was in for a wild ride. But even as he braced himself for what was to come, Drift couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the thought of being the one to help Optimus through his rut. As he offered himself up to the alpha, he could feel Optimus's desire growing stronger by the moment. But even as the alpha began to take control, Drift knew that he had to keep some semblance of control over the situation. He allowed Optimus to take what he needed, but he also made sure to guide the alpha, to show him what he wanted and how he wanted it. As the hours passed, Drift and Optimus moved together in a dance of pleasure and desire. They were both lost in the moment, lost in the heat of the moment. But even as they moved together, Drift knew that this was just a temporary fix. Eventually, he would have to let Optimus go, and he knew that things would never be the same between them again. But for now, he was content to ride the wave of pleasure and desire, to bask in the power and control that he had over the most powerful alpha in the base.

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