Ultra Magnus x Optimus (Idw)

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Prompt/s: Magnus finds out Sentinel is abusing Optimus and takes Optimus from Sentinel, Ratchet assigns Magnus to watch over Optimus and feelings ensue.

Magnus and Optimus having a long night of incredible hot sex. It gets really intense and a little rougher than usual. The next morning, Magnus wakes up holding Optimus and notices that he have left bites and bruises on Optimus' body from the intensity of it. Optimus wakes up and is a little sore and achy but really happy and contented from the night before.

Magnus marking Optimus with their lips and teeth, even their nails, leaving love bites, hickeys and scratches all over their body. On their neck, collarbone, places only the two of them are allowed to see. Making sure the world knows that Optimus belongs to Magnus and only Magnus.

Mating cycles/in heat
Magnus had always suspected that something wasn't right between Sentinel and Optimus. The way the former Prime looked at his mate was possessive and controlling, and Magnus had seen the bruises and marks on Optimus's body that he couldn't explain away. Optimus came limping into the bridge with eye swollen shut leaving him half blind and cuts all over his body one day and that was it, Magnus took Optimus to the side and demanded to know what happened to him. Optimus hesitated at first, afraid of what Sentinel might do if he found out that he had told Magnus about the abuse. But as Magnus's gentle touch and soothing voice melted away his fears, Optimus found himself opening up to the human. He told him about the beatings he had endured, the way Sentinel would hit him and insult him, and the fear that he lived with every day. Magnus's heart broke as he listened to Optimus's story. He couldn't believe that someone could be so cruel to another person, especially to someone as kind and gentle as Optimus. Without a second thought, Magnus took Optimus away from Sentinel and brought him to Ratchet, demanding that he be allowed to take care of him. Ratchet agreed, assigning Magnus to watch over Optimus and make sure that he was safe and cared for. And as the days turned into weeks, Magnus found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with his mate. He became overprotective, his every thought and action focused on keeping Optimus safe from harm. But as the nights wore on, their relationship began to shift from protector and protected to something more. Optimus slowly started to open up to Magnus and became clingy to the talker and stronger man, he was desperate for reassurance and comfort though even after everything he went through he still refused to admit Magnus was anything more then his savior. Magnus noticed how Optimus clung to him, how he seemed to need his touch and his presence more and more with each passing day. He knew that Optimus had been through a lot, and he didn't want to push him too hard, but he also couldn't help the way he felt. He was falling deeply in love with his mate, and he wanted nothing more than to be able to express those feelings openly. One night, as they lay together in bed, Magnus decided to take a chance. He wrapped his arms around Optimus and pulled him close, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Optimus," he whispered, his voice soft and full of emotion. "I know that you've been hurt, and I don't want to push you too hard. But I need you to know... I love you. I've loved you from the moment I saw you, and I want to be with you forever." Optimus's optics widened in surprise, and Magnus could see the fear in his expression. But as he spoke, that fear slowly began to melt away, replaced by a look of wonder and amazement. "Magnus," he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say. I never thought... I never imagined that anyone could love me like that." Magnus pulled him close, his heart full of love and tenderness. "I do," he murmured, his lips brushing against Optimus's skin. "And I always will. I'll protect you from anything and everything, and I'll cherish you for the rest of my life." Optimus burrowed closer, his body shaking with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say," he whispered, his voice full of wonder. "I never imagined that anyone could care about me like that. But I... I think I love you too." Magnus purred softly and held Optimus close before Optimus started to whine softly and shift as if trying to hide something, that was when Magnus noticed the smell of slick from an omega and he raised an eyebrow at Optimus. "Optimus, are you... in heat?" Magnus asked softly, his eyes searching Optimus's face for any signs of discomfort. Optimus blushed, his optics darting away from Magnus's gaze. "Yes," he admitted softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I didn't want to make things difficult for you." Magnus shook his helm, his expression softening. "You're not making things difficult," he murmured. "I want to take care of you, in every way possible. And if that means helping you through your heat, then that's what I'll do." Optimus looked up at him, his optics wide with wonder. "You would do that for me?" he whispered. Magnus nodded, his spark full of love and tenderness. "Of course," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Optimus's forehelm. "I'll take care of you, Optimus. Always." Optimus smiled slightly and purred nuzzling his head into Magnus' chest as he finally felt safe enough to slip into heat without worrying about being taken advantage of. Over the next few days, Magnus took care of Optimus as he went through his heat. He made sure that he was comfortable and well-fed, and he kept a close eye on him to make sure that he was safe. And as Optimus's heat grew stronger, Magnus found himself drawn to him in ways that he had never experienced before. He wanted to touch him, to hold him, to mark him as his own. And as they lay together in bed, Magnus began to do just that. He marked Optimus with his lips and teeth, leaving love bites, hickeys, and scratches all over his body. He marked him on his neck, his collarbone, and other places that only the two of them were allowed to see. He made sure that the world knew that Optimus belonged to him and only him. Magnus used their height difference to his advantage, pulling the smaller omega into his lap and using the stretch of Optimus' stabilizers to tease him and his panel, rubbing at the omegas panel and making Optimus whimper and mewl wanting more. Magnus couldn't believe how responsive Optimus was to his touch. He loved the way his mate writhed and moaned under him, his body arching and trembling with pleasure. He knew that he was pushing the boundaries of what Optimus was comfortable with, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to make his omega feel good, to show him how much he was loved and cherished. As they moved together in a frenzy of passion, Magnus felt his own arousal growing stronger. He wanted to claim Optimus as his own, to mark him in every way possible and make sure that the world knew that he was taken. And as he pressed his lips and teeth to Optimus's skin, leaving a trail of love bites and scratches in his wake, he knew that he was doing just that. Finally, as they reached the peak of their pleasure, Magnus pulled Optimus close and held him tight, his body shaking with emotion. He knew that he had found something truly special in Optimus, something that he would cherish for the rest of his life. And as they lay there together, wrapped in each other's arms, Magnus knew that he had found his true mate, the one who would complete him and make him whole.

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