Optimus x Magnus (TFP)

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Aka im a horny mother fragger who wants robot seggs with these two.
Ultra Magnus paced nervously in his hab suite, nervous simply because he had a meeting with his leader. Did he do something wrong? Why was he getting called by himself to a meeting? Questions flew through his helm like missals before his chronometer said it was time, he stilled himself and went to Optimus' hab suite. Optimus was nervous in his own way, wondering if the commander would find it unacceptable or weird, he sighed before he heard familiar pedesteps coming towards his room. The Prime hummed as he unlocked the door and sat down, "Come in" he called when he heard a ping for entry. Magnus entered nervously and looked at Optimus and was hit by a scent blocker, raising an optic ridge he hummed quizzically, "Sir?...why did you call me?" He asked as he stood in the doorway. "Just to check up, Ratchet said that you seemed off lately" Optimus hummed as he relaxed slightly and leaned lightly against the wall from where he sat, Magnus tensed slightly but shook his head.
          Optimus sighed and stood up, Magnus got hit by a strong metallic scent and froze for a moment before shivering ever so slightly. "Sir? Uhm..." the commander started before closing his intake again, looking at the ground with a soft sigh. Optimus rubbed over his neck cables before tensing, "ah..my apologies Magnus you may leave" the Prime said as he moved to stand and started to walk to his private washracks before Magnus cleared his intake and caught his attention again, "uhm...do- can i help?..." Magnus asked extremely hesitantly, still looking at the ground. "Commander? You know what your entailing correct?" The Prime asked as he turned back around to commander, raising an optic ridge. Magnus flushed lightly and nodded, "im aware...its fine nevermind" the commander said as he backed up some before feeling a servo tilt his helm up and Optimus looked him in the optics, "If you truly wish to help then by all means, go ahead" the Prime hummed before backing up to sitting on the berth, Magnus moved forward some as the door clicked shut.

(Smut starts here)
The commander hesitated slightly before climbing up into the Prime's lap and looking up at him, shifting his hips slightly he leaned up to nibble on Optimus' neck cables. Optimus chuckled, tilting his helm he ran his servo down to rub gently at the commanders panel earning a bit back whine and a jerk of the mechs hips. Magnus tried to keep quiet but he soon realized that Optimus was dominate in heat as the Prime started to rub roughly at the commanders panel while bending down to nibble gently on the mechs neck cables, he held on to a sliver of self control and let his panel fold away before giving a shaky yelp as a blunt digit traced around his rim. Optimus hummed and stilled, leaning back to look at Magnus slightly concerned before feeling the mech shift to try and take his digit deeper with a low, needy whine. "I assume its been awhile?" The Prime asked as he obliged the silent request, slipping his digit in slowly and testing the give before using his thumb to rub over the commanders anterior node earning a shaky moan. Magnus gave a hesitant nod, "im s-supposed to be helping you not this" the commander huffed until he felt a large intrusion between his stabilizers, looking down he whimpered at the massive spike now settling beneath him with wide optics. Optimus added another digit and curled them to stretch out the mech, tilting Magnus' helm up he gently kissed the trembling mech before removing his digits and switching their positions so Magnus was under the Prime. Magnus looked away with a heavy blush before his helm was turned once more "you dont have to be embarrassed, Magnus." Optimus said gently, guiding his spike to the entrance of the commanders valve and snapping his hips forward. The Prime waited as Magnus cried out and gripped hard at Optimus' shoulders as he shuddered and panted, soon Magnus calmed again and testingly he bucked his hips and gave a loud moan. Optimus hummed and started slow, gentle thrusts and fighting coding not wanting to hurt the smaller mech under him, Soon however Magnus started to bounce back on thrusts and whine needily. Optimus took that as sign and sped up his pace, going hard and deep he held Magnus in place with one large servo as he sped up again giving a predatory growl. Magnus was moaning and mewling loudly, arching his back struts as he pushed back on the hard thrusts he gave a loud scream like moan when ceiling nodes were pounded into and his anterior node was being rubbed harshly. Optimus' pace morphed into a pounding deep and fast pace, hips snapping forward as he kept lavashing the commander's equipment with attention. Magnus was trembling and crying out in pleasure, screwing his optics shut the commander reached up and opened his optics to grab ahold of Optimus' collar faring and drag the larger mech into a heated kiss. Optimus chuckled softly and nipped at the commanders bottom lip with a small growl as he forced Magnus' derma open to explore earning a yelp and a loud mewl as he continued the rough pace, eventually Magnus overloaded with a shout but Optimus didnt stop and soon the commander had a second, then a third overload each one in a different position. Magnus had his aft in the air now and was crying out and screaming from the pleasure until Optimus had his final overload spurring another one from the smaller mech under him before finally slowing and pulling out to lay down and pull Magnus down by him.
Magnus panted heavily and nuzzled against Optimus with a soft whine from over sensitivity, Optimus shifted and sat up before lifting Magnus and taking him to the washracks to clean off.

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