Dreadwing x Optimus (Omegaverse) Pt 2

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Tw: violence
Dreadwing finds Optimus sobbing and being the alpha he is he goes and gently loves on his omega to get him to calm down.
Optimus whimpered and twitched from the nightmare of the assault again, Dreadwing perked up and sighed. This was normal now and it was slowly making Dreadwing loose his patience with the omega. However, as he approached Optimus, he could see the distress and pain etched on his face, and his anger dissipated, replaced by concern and love. He knelt down beside the berth, gently stroking Optimus's helm and whispering soft words of comfort. "Shh, it's okay," he murmured. "I'm here, you're safe." He slowly leaned in and wrapped his arms around Optimus, holding him close and rubbing soothing circles on his back. At first, Optimus tensed up, but eventually, he relaxed into Dreadwing's embrace, his sobs quieting down. Dreadwing knew that it would take time for Optimus to heal from the trauma of the assault, but he was willing to be patient and gentle with his omega. He would do anything to make sure that Optimus felt loved and cherished, and that he knew that he was safe in his arms. As he held Optimus, he vowed to protect him from any harm, to be his rock and his shelter, no matter what. Optimus fianlly calmed and Dreadwing relaxed, his anger coming back but this time for the alpha who hurt Optimus in the first place. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could make sure that the alpha would never hurt anyone again. He would make sure that justice was served and that the alpha faced the consequences of their actions. But for now, he focused on comforting and loving on Optimus, making sure he knew that he was safe and loved. "I'm here for you, Optimus," he whispered. "Always."

Optimus went into heat and refused to leave the hab, terrified that the alpha would come back and rape him again. Dreadwing coukdnt even touch Optimus without the mech tensing up and backing away. Dreadwing sighed, feeling his heart break for Optimus. He knew that the trauma of the assault had deeply affected the omega, and he was willing to do anything to help him through it. He respected Optimus's boundaries and didn't push him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. Instead, he tried to create a safe and comforting environment for Optimus to heal in. He brought in soft blankets and pillows, making sure that the temperature was just right for Optimus. He cooked his favorite meals and left them by the door, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. He also made sure to check in on him regularly, sending him messages and letting him know that he was there for him. Despite all his efforts, however, Optimus remained distant and withdrawn, refusing to let anyone get close to him. Dreadwing could see the pain and fear in his optics, and he knew that he needed to find a way to help him heal. He decided to reach out to some of their closest friends and allies, asking for their help. They all came together and created a plan to help Optimus heal. They took turns visiting him, offering him comfort and support, and slowly but surely, Optimus began to open up again. Optimus finally allowed Dreadwing to walk with him outside the hab, Ratchet was on the comm with Dreadwing the whole time just in case. But the alpha who hurt Optimus managed to separate Dreadwing from the omega and was 'helping' with his heat despite Optimus screaming and sobbing for him to stop. Dreadwing's heart raced as he heard the distress in Optimus's voice through the comm. He knew that something was wrong and he needed to get to Optimus as soon as possible. He yelled at the alpha to stop and raced towards the hab, his worry and anger fueling him. When he got there, he found Optimus curled up in a ball, tears streaming down his face. The alpha's helm snapped up and he snarled at Dreadwing, grabbing Optimus and tracing one claw across the Prime's central fuel line, he could cut it and Optimus would probably die from energon loose but he would loose his toy in the process. Dreadwing growled back and stayed back not wanting Optimus to get even more hurt, the omega's scent was bitter with terror and the unbearable need of his heat. Dreadwing felt his anger boiling over at the sight of the alpha hurting Optimus once again. He knew that he needed to act fast to protect his omega. He stepped forward, his optics blazing with fury. "Let him go," he growled. "Now." The alpha sneered at him, tightening his grip on Optimus. "Or what?" he taunted. "You gonna take him from me?" Dreadwing didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, tackling the alpha to the ground and pinning him down. He could feel the alpha struggling beneath him, but he held him down with ease. "Let him go," he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. The alpha sneered up at him, baring his teeth. "You think you can stop me?" he spat. "I'll kill you both before I let you take him away from me." Dreadwing didn't back down. He tightened his grip on the alpha, his anger fueling him. "Try me," he growled. The alpha let out a snarl and lunged forward, but Dreadwing was ready. He quickly disarmed him and restrained him, holding him down until the authorities arrived. Once the alpha was in custody, Dreadwing turned his attention back to Optimus. He gently pulled him into his arms, holding him close and whispering words of comfort. "Shh, it's okay," he murmured. "You're safe now. I'm here." Optimus clung to him, his body shaking with sobs. Dreadwing held him close, feeling his own anger and frustration slowly dissipating. Optimus squeaked when Dreadwing picked him up, he needed the omega to calm down and knew how to do that. Dreadwing walked back to the shared hab and instantly Optimus calmed slightly, just enough to scramble back to his nest and bury himself in the scent of his alpha. He calmed fully much quicker then before knowing the alpha couldn't hurt him anymore, he whined softly and tugged Dreadwing into the nest with him desperately seeking comforting touch from the alpha. Dreadwing crawled into the nest with Optimus, holding him close and rubbing soothing circles on his back. He could feel the tension slowly melting away from Optimus's body as he relaxed into his embrace. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered. "I'm here, I've got you." He continued to hold Optimus, letting him seek comfort in his touch. He knew that it would take time for Optimus to fully heal from the trauma of the assault, but he was determined to be there for him every step of the way. He would be his rock, his shelter, and his protector, no matter what. And he would make sure that Optimus knew that he was loved and cherished, always.

As the night wore on, Dreadwing stayed with Optimus, holding him close and whispering words of comfort. He could feel Optimus's breathing slowing down as he drifted off to sleep, his body finally relaxed and at ease. Dreadwing stayed with him until he was sure that he was deeply asleep, then he carefully extricated himself from the nest and settled down on the floor next to it, keeping a watchful eye on Optimus. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to help his omega heal. He would be there for him, always.

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