"ODIN!! As in Odin, king of Asgard,...! ", I was SHOCKED. Quite literally! Not to mention I'm... or was? a big mythology nerd.

"Yes. It appears you have a difficult path ahead, R/N..."

(A/N: R/N - Real earth name before transmigration)

We discussed some more before he gave me an egg with some strange inscriptions.

"For Ravens, it is better for you to nurture and grow with them

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"For Ravens, it is better for you to nurture and grow with them. The number of ravens born from this egg will depend solely on your capabilities, willpower and chakra. Remember you won't get any other eggs, so you'll have only one chance."

"Ok, uhm can I put some seals on the shell?"

"Sure I don't see why not.", he said intrigued.

I inscribed some chakra seals on it, thinking it could hatch quicker.

(A/N - read this part while listening to " Starry night piano by Jordan Critz)

Before I leave, Odin told me this story;

"Long ago, near the beginning of the world, Gray Eagle was the guardian of the Sun, Moon, Stars,fresh water, and fire. Gray Eagle hated people so much so that he kept these things hidden and people lived in darkness, with neither fire nor fresh water.

Gray Eagle had a beautiful daughter, and Raven fell in love with her. He brought her many gifts; diamonds, sapphires, gold everything that was shiny enough to rival the girl's beauty. And slowly, the girl too fell in love, with him, Raven the snow-white bird. So, one day, Gray Eagle's daughter invited him inside her father's house.

When Raven saw the Sun, Moon, stars, and fresh water hanging on the sides of Eagle's lodge, he knew what he should do. He watched for his chance to seize them when no one was looking. He stole all of them, and a brand of fire, before flying out of the house through the chimney hole.

As soon as Raven got outside he hung the Sun up in the sky. It made so much light that he was able to fly far out to the horizon. When the Sun set, he fastened the Moon up in the sky and hung the stars around the different places he flew. By this new light he kept on flying, carrying with him the fresh water and the brand of fire.

He flew over the people's land and when he had reached the right place, he dropped all the water. It fell to the ground and there became the source of all the fresh-water streams and lakes in the world. Then Raven flew on, holding the brand of fire in his beak. But, the smoke from the fire blew back over his white feathers and made them black. When his beak began to burn, he had to drop the firebrand. It struck rocks and hid itself within them. That is why, if you strike two stones together, sparks of fire will drop out.

Raven after accomplishing these tedious tasks had to fly constantly to escape from Gray Eagle's anger. He flew for hundreds of years without resting and came to see the evolvement of us, humans, and how we had become much happier with the sun, moon, stars, fire, and water present.

Raven's feathers however never regained their white color after being blackened no matter what he did; hence becoming the black ominous bird known by many today. Raven was never thanked for sacrificing its beautiful feathers but was rather persecuted, branded as evil and suffered at the hands of humans. But even then, Raven still loved the humans and continued to watched over them, taking care of the dead bodies so that his dear precious humans wouldn't fall sick."


"What about the girl? Did Raven meet her again?"

Odin chuckled at Sora's question; " Yes, Raven visited her some years later when Gray Eagle's anger faded but, the girl pushed Raven away. She hadn't recognized him who had now been darkened for helping others. Despite that though, Raven watched over her and her family from afar forever. Never too speak of his love again."

They sat in silence while Sora contemplated the story. It was her first time hearing this story ever; even back on Earth where she had read nearly all the mythology she ever came across.

"So, don't forget your path may not have the easiest one but if you succeed, you'll be a true Raven.
Well, you should go now. It seems your people are getting worried."

"May I come here again?"

"You'll be able to come whenever your egg hatch. Hopefully it happens later, or else I feel I won't be able to sleep in peace."

"Thank you, Hrafnagud/Odin."

Minato POV

It's been 1 day since Sora disappeared in the summon world. 1 WHOLE DAY!! Kushina and I are really getting worried. As far as I know the longest time for a summon is around 12 hours. I can't even bring her back since I don't know which summon she went to. Suddenly there was a poof and Sora appeared.

Sora POV

I was going to store the egg inside my storage tattoo when it suddenly levitated and entered my chest. No but literally! It entered my body like I was some kind of hole!!?

Instantly, when it did that, my chakra depleted and I passed out. I thing the Gods love when I faint. I lost count of the number of times I fainted.

Minato POV

This girl will be the death of me! Why does she even faints so easily despite being this strong.

I shunshined us to the hospital. Tsunade has reserved a room just for her because of this habit. The doctor said that she just had low chakra and will be fine after some sleep. I left for the office while Kushina stayed by her side.

(A/N: The Raven story is not entirely mine. The original is from some site on google which I forgot the name of; but I did edited and added some part for the story.)

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