I ate everything; it tasted so good that I was crying. The best food I ever ate.

A/N: Gif of Kakashi while eating.

Afterwards, I went to bed and had a full sleep. No nightmares.

Sora POV

Once Kakashi was asleep, I used the mind jutsu and shared the memories of Sakumo that I had - only the parts where he talked about Kakashi or if they were together.

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3 years later - 15 September year 6

I am currently on my way to Kakashi's house. He is out on a retrieval mission and should return tonight.

Many things have changed since that night. Kakashi and me kinda drifted apart since he was busy with training and missions while I had my Anbu duties. But really I think he was avoiding me. Anyway I still got his news from my spy and I did try to meet up with him but I think we only met 3 times within those years and that was solely because I tracked him down like a dog. I also got some information from his friends and sensei. At least he didn't shut everyone out. Though he isn't the same as before, Asuma told me that he was colder than before but he didn't go out of his way to avoid them. Like if they invited him for a party or whatever, he would come.

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