"It's just for one night and Sophia is my best friend and our first guest. Tell me how can I let her sleep alone when she is not comfortable in a new place" I said softly, making him sulk even more like a kid. He looked cute while doing it. 

"Just for one night," I coaxed while making him look at me. He nodded his head even though he didn't want to. It made me smile. 

"Good boy" I stood on my toes and pecked his pouty lips. 

"I will make sure to reward you," I said while still showing him my teeth. His eyes lit up when I said that. His hands moved over my waist and pulled me flush against his hard chest. 

"Then let's go to our room," he said with a big evil grin on his lips. 

"Sage, come soon, I'm sleepy" we heard Sophia yelling from her room. 

"Not tonight" I chuckled and moved out of his hold. He went back to sulking. I moved my head in disbelief and walked to her room. I could feel his eyes making holes in my back. I lay down beside her and soon tiredness took over me. In the middle of the night, I felt someone lifting me from bed. I opened my heavy even to find none other than my husband walking us to our room with me in his arms. 

"Go back to sleep," he said, putting me in bed with him. He covered both of us and pulled me on his chest. This man. I closed my eyes and slept. In the morning Sophia fought with the head chef for cheating. In return, he just smirked at her and showed his tongue, pissing her even more. I had to again stop the fight. I took a breath of relief when they walked out of the house. I was about to go and take a long bath when my cell phone started ringing. 

"Am I talking to Sage King," a female voice asked me. 

"Yes," I responded. 

"I have called you regarding the job you have applied for in our restaurant. Your interview has been scheduled for today afternoon" the woman said, surprising me. 

"Today afternoon" I tried to confirm again. 

"Yes, today afternoon. Is there a problem ma'am?" she questioned hearing my voice 

"No problem, I will be there," I said, grabbing the opportunity. I was nervous because it seemed like too soon but I can't let it go. After I cut the call I took a quick shower and started to get ready. Not much time was left for my interview. I Grabbed all my things from my bag and left the house. The driver was already waiting for me. I felt happy going to a job interview as a woman. Soon I reached the five-star restaurant. It looks luxurious from the outside. I stopped staring at it and walked in not wanting to get late. I saw a man entering an elevator and it was about to close when I signal him to stop for me but he didn't. Instead, he looked at me as if I was a mad woman. I ran fast trying my best to not fall on my heels. I stopped it and walked inside it while panting hard. I pressed the button on my floor. He stood there in his grey suit with his shades. He was still looking at me as if I'm a mad woman. 

"Don't you have a little bit of courtesy in you? I signalled you to stop the elevator with both my hands but you were standing like a stiff pole" I lashed out. I was already feeling nervous and now this man has added more salt to the pot. He removed his shades and my eyes met with striking turquoise blue eyes. I have never seen a pair of eyes like that before. I heard an elevator digging sound and it made me look away. I cleared my throat and looked away. He wore his shade and walked out without even apologising. 

"Rude much," I said loud enough for him to hear. He looked back at me with glaring eyes and I gave him a tight smile. I walked away ignoring him before he could say anything. I hope he doesn't work here. I went to the reception and she asked me to wait. I waited patiently while chewing on my lower lip in nervousness. I don't know what will happen in this interview. I was so nervous. I was tapping my leg in impaction. 

"Ma'am this way" the receptionist came and gestured towards the big door.  I stopped tapping my leg and smiled at her nervously before standing up. I walked in the direction of the big door. I did a quick prayer before opening the door and asking for permission to walk in. 

"Walk in," said a firm manly voice, making me swallow hard. I walked in only to see the elevator guy sitting behind the desk. The file slipped out of my hand and I cursed loudly. 


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