Chapter 40: Ten

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As the clock neared 8 p.m., I carefully styled my hair with soft curls and slipped into a lovely floral corset dress. My heart was racing with nerves - today is the day that Misha and I will finally announce our relationship....

I might finally give him my innocents, Dating a young CEO is much more of a struggle than I thought it would, we barely get to see each other since he runs at least six businesses.

And counting LEB, "You ready?" Lana knocked on my door peeking her head inside, "Yup how do Iook" I said sitting up from my desk and running a hand down my chest.

"extra beautiufl" she smiled cheering for me, I giggle and put on some lipgloss before heading out of my room.

I check everything a thousand times today to make sure everything is in place, Champagne check, balloons check, food check, cake...still not here.

Misha promised he would bring me my cake now I'm worrying since I haven't heard from him all day.

Calm down Blair, he'll show up.

When I heard someone knocking on my door, I felt excited and rushed to answer it. It was Rune, and I couldn't help but greet him with a big smile. He was so happy to see me that he immediately jumped into my arms.

As he cried into my shoulder, his muscular arms tightly embracing my neck, he lamented, "I can hardly believe you're already eighteen." The force of his grip made it difficult for me to breathe.

"Rune" He quickly let go and hands me a small red velvet box, "Happy birthday Blair" he grinned, I chuckle and take the velvet box from his hands.

As I opened the box, my eyes were drawn to the gleaming gold bracelet inside. "Rune, oh my god," I exclaimed. "It's one of the rarest bracelets out there." "It must have taken you months to find it." I couldn't help but give him another tight embrace just as Lana walked into the room.

"Rune!" she cheered, joining in on our hug. "How are you doing? How's your scar?" I felt a gulp in my throat as he cupped Lana's cheek and rubbed his thumb over her jaw.

"Great," she nodded and gave me a a quick side glance. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing well," he responded with a beam. I returned the smile and made an effort to maintain eye contact.

An hour has passed and everyone has already arrived except for Misha, I couldn't help but contain my worry as I spammed his phone.

Me: Misha where are you??
Me: I'm worried text me back
Me: Misha!

No response, "Hey" I flinch at Rune's sudden appearance behind me, "Hi" I maintain eye contact and smiled "Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned frown., "Yeah, just um nothing you doing alright?" He sighed and placed his champagne glass down.

"If I'm being completely honest, No" my smile fades, "Whys that everything okay?" he took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Can you promise me that you won't overreact?" I silently nodded, feeling uneasy about what was to come."I found out Dad was...doing sinful stuff" he stammered.

I took a deep breath and attempted to refrain from speaking.

"What was it..." I asked, He glanced up at me and took a step closer, "He attempted to harm Misha."

I choke on my own saliva, and for some sense, my bad gut feeling raised in the pit of my stomach "When did you find that out," I said my voice coming out as a whisper.

"Several days ago," he said.
"Whom did he end up hiring?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" he furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Who did he hire?" I said cautiously.

"This person named ten" Oh my fucking heart sank and I felt like throwing up, "I have to go"

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