Chapter 31: A Nightmare

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Do you know one of those days? when you wish you'd never gotten up, because that day ruined your whole fucking life? yeah, I know you don't lie.

I got woke up to my phone blaring, I flinch from my phone and sat up slowly, my phone was on the ground buzzing with text messages, I look to my side to see Misha curled up at his side dead asleep.

I couldn't help but smile and then pick up my phone. But then my smile faded like quicksand, and my stomach dropped.

Little Sissy: SOS M O M.

I ignored the mom part and panicked at the SOS then another text.

Little Sissy: Home panting dad

Without hesitation I stood up and looked for my jeans, I slowly slipped them on and my shoes as well, without making a noise I shut the door and run down the hall and look for Misha's keys. I snatched them from the countertop on the kitchen counter.

I ran out the front door of the penthouse and into Misha's truck, my heart was pounding in panic and my blood boiled from worries and range,r if Vincent laid a finger on Lana- Mom?

I froze in place at the name, Mom. what is Lana talking about? Snap out of it Blair focus.

I then turn on Misha's car and swerve out of the parking place, into the highway, I was driving more than 100 and I didn't even care.

so many thoughts going through my head I couldn't think straight.

Is she okay?
Did Vincent hurt her?
What does she mean by Mom and painting?
Did someone break in and stole the painting and Vincent got hurt?

I didn't even realize I was stuck in my thought I nearly bumped into another car, I slammed my foot on the break and let out a deep breath.

After five minutes I made it to the mansion, I ran out of Misha's truck and sprinted toward the front door, I slammed it open just to be greeted with a mess.

Mother's painting was ripped into shreds on the ground, and flower glass vases shattered across the floor with water droplets slipping on the ground.

"LANA!" I shouted, "Upstairs" I overhear a cry coming from Dad's office, oh no...

I paced upstairs and ran down the hall, I nearly trip when I make it to Dad's office door, it was wide open and the doorknob was slipping off.

I peek inside to see Lana hovering over his desk, paper scattered across the floor with empty folders and pens, her back was facing me as I got closer, "Lana..." I wimper scared of what I'll see when she turns around.

But then I froze in place when she does, "No" I shake my head back and forth as tears lipped my eyes without my consent, my heart breaking into a million pieces.

Lana had what seemed dried blood on her forehead, and blackish purple bruises all over her neck from what seemed like someone was trying to strangle her, but my where I was most scared was...

The scar across her face, from her eye toward her right jaw side, she held a paper in her hand and walked up to me.

"Lana" I stayed strong for her and said her name very firmly, "Did he or did he not do this to you" Like I hoped not to expect she nodded and broke into tears, "That's not the worse part" she shook her head back and forth.

She then glances down at the piece of paper in her hands, and hands it to me, I slowly take the paper and read it.

This isn't real
          This isn't real
            This isn't real
              This isn't real
                This isn't real
                  This isn't real
                   This isn't real
                    This isn't real
                     This isn't real
                A nightmare
           A nightmare
     A nightmare
A nightmare
A nightmare
A nightmare
   A nightmare
     A nightmare
       A nightmare
         A nightmare
           A nightmare
              A nightmare
                 A fucking nightmare

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