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...Mikaelson Compound...

The Crescent wolves who are staying at the compound are congregated in the courtyard when Elijah enters the room.

"BROTHER! NIKLAUS!" Elijah yells.

At the sound of Elijah's voice, Rosalind walks into the room to see what is going on.

"For god's sake Elijah!" she says annoyed "You do realize that literally everyone in here has supernatural hearing, right?"

"Where is my brother?" he asks.

"I'll check his calendar..." she pretends to think a little "Wait, no. Not his wife, so..." she completes sarcastically.

"Rosie, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass" he says annoyed.

"Your brother left a while ago. If you want to find him, I can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people used to call people? I don't know, I'm out of ideas. Good luck" Rosalind says in the same tone.

She turns and walks away, but stops and turns back at the last moment.

"Oh! One more thing, Elijah...those 'beasts' that you're referring to? They may be under Esther's control, but, like you said, they're my people. So, if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems" she says in a passive aggressive tone.

She turns to leave. Elijah stands and stares as she walks away, looking unhappy.

...French Quarter...

Rosalind was walking through the Quarter after receiving a call from Hayley about the wolves and Esther, when suddenly she bumped into someone and ended up knocking whoever was onto the floor.

"Oh my god. I am so..." she says before looking at who the person was "...sorry"

Camille was there looking very surprised a little overwhelmed by their meeting. She's been trying to contact Rosalind for months and not a single word was received in exchange, which caused her to feel completely useless and left out.

Rosalind sighs and holds out her hand for Camille to take.

"Hi Cami" she greets with a guilty smile.

Camille scoffs standing up on her own.

"Don't 'Hi Cami' me" the bartender says "you disappeared for months. I tried to call and went to the compound a thousand times, but you made sure to not even let me know if you were okay or not"

Rosalind rubs her temples.

"Look, I know everything that happened and it may sound like a childish behavior for you, but I can assure you, it is not" Rosalind explains.

"What do you mean?" Cami asks confused.

"I know how to handle grief and with all the current situations that we are facing, you are 100% safer away from us, especially me" Rosalind says.

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