ghost; y.jy

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Jeongyeon grumbled into her newspaper, muttering something about "stupid politics" and "where's the damn comics?". She was so immersed in it that she almost didn't notice the small boy waiting patiently for her. Once she did, though, she let out a sort of startled squeak.

The boy was still young, yet there was no sign of a parent or guardian around. In his hands, a basket of roses lay, waiting to be sold. "Would you like one, miss?" His voice was squeaky, his round, bright eyes full of innocence despite the faded, raggedy clothes he wore.

Jeongyeon had no use for roses at the moment, but she felt bad for this kid. He shouldn't be out in the streets at this age. No one should. "Alright," she said. "I'll have the lot."

There were maybe a dozen, enough for a bouquet, though she's not sure where she could put it. However, her body is flooded with happiness at the way the little boy's eyes shone with gratitude while accepting payment. Before he left, she called out to him. "Hey, wait." She picked up the bag of bread and muffins beside her and held it out to him. "Have one for yourself and give the rest to your family. Go home now, it's not safe for kids like you to be out this late."

The boy mumbled out a shy thank you and left. Jeongyeon smiled at the way he happily chewed on a muffin. It dropped slowly when she remembered the bouquet of roses on her lap.

Her worries were washed away when she saw a young man. On a date, she assumed, based on him being dressed-up. "Excuse me," she called out to him, and he turned, confused. "Are you.. are you seeing someone?"

What a weird question to ask a stranger, Jeongyeon scolded herself. But the man brightened up. "Yes, actually. That's my girlfriend over there..." He pointed, and Jeongyeon nodded. "Listen, why don't you give her these roses? I'm sure she'd like that, and I've no need for them anyway."

"Oh, no!" The man's eyes widened. "I-I can't do that! They're yours, miss-" Jeongyeon chuckled. She handed him the bouquet and patted his back. "Good luck."

She watched him secretly over the top of her newspaper. The man said something and revealed the flowers, causing the girl to squeal and wrap him in a hug. Jeongyeon smiled, though it was bittersweet. She could've been like that couple: so young and dumb and lovesick. She could be giggling like a fool with hearts in her eyes. But.. oh, well.

With a sigh, she lowered her gaze to the sudoku puzzles.

You were her world. Everything she does is about you, for you, towards you. She's like an obedient puppy who follows her master everywhere, ears perking up each time you are mentioned. She talks to and about you every chance she gets, manages to slip you into every conversation. She listens, because God your voice was so perfect, it had a unique tone and it was yours.

Her body melts every time she senses your presence, every time your familiar scent invades her nostrils. She teases you just so she could see that cute pout of yours then attempts to wipe it off with a lame joke you couldn't help but laugh at. She'd pull you aside and make sure you've eaten and drank water, that you've taken your vitamins, and then she'd ask about your day and be your shoulder to lean on if it was bad. She'd hold you and touch you and kiss you and it's just so weird because she wasn't even the touchy type. It's probably a bad thing that she revolves everything around you like a planet to your sun but damn, she's never even thought about it in a negative way. All she knows is that she loves you, so, so much.

"Screw those, Jeongie," you'd say, and then you'd pull her away from that sudoku puzzle she's been staring at for hours and to her bed and she'd protest because really, she needed to finish but once your lips are on hers her mind just blanks.

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