not-so-secret crush; i.ny

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Female Reader
Hogwarts AU

Nayeon's feelings were no secret to the student body of Hogwarts. The so-called 'subtle' glances and 'discreet' smiles did not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, the target of her admiration was a particular Gryffindor half-blood named Y/N.

That shouldn't be a problem, right? She could just walk up to her and ask if they could have lunch together, but sadly that wasn't the case. Nayeon was a pureblood Slytherin, expected to hold her head up and to rise higher than all the others. Imagine the expressions on her parents' faces when they find out she's in love with another girl!

"Nayeon," Tzuyu, her fellow Slytherin, called. "Finley's going to kill you if you're late for practice."

That jerked Nayeon out of her trance. She gathered her books into her handbag in a rush, zooming out the door and into her dorm room to change.

Max Finley was the Slytherin Keeper and Captain who, when annoyed, could talk your ear off if she wanted. That was something Nayeon did not want to happen, especially since it was hard work getting into the team in the first place.

"Im!" The Quidditch Captain scowled. "I told you to get on the pitch at 6, sharp. What are you doing 5 minutes late?!"

"Sorry," the 6th year gasped. "Was studying with Tzuyu."

Finley sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Well, say thank you to Chou for me. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have shown up."

Nayeon's face flushed. "Sorry."

Nayeon dropped to her seat in the Great Hall, a permanent frown on her face. Tzuyu noticed the evident gloomy aura surrounding her and scooted closer. "Bad practice?"

"No," the older girl groaned. "I mean.. It's kinda hard being a Seeker, y'know? The match sort of depends on you. And our game against Gryffindor is in three days and Finley's stress is rubbing off on me, I guess."

"Well," Tzuyu's lips twitched, "I know what can cheer you up."

Before Nayeon could ask just exactly what, their conversation was interrupted by a smooth voice. "Hello, Im. I see you're back from practice."

She jumped, spinning around just for her eyes to meet Y/N's. The Gryffindor Chaser had her signature smirk on her face, her hair in its usual windswept state. The words immediately got stuck in Nayeon's throat, feeling the now-familiar heat of blood rushing to her face. "Get lost, L/N."

"Now, now, darling." Ugh, how she hated and loved that nickname. "That's no way to speak to a fellow player. Are you ready to get flattened on Saturday?"

"Shut up, L/N."

Y/N laughed. "Okay, then." And, blowing a kiss, she returned to her table, where students of all years were snickering at the confused look on Nayeon's face.

Saturday arrived too quickly. The corridors were filled with rival students, throwing everything from paper balls and mostly harmless jinxes at each other. Madam Pomfrey sighed in annoyance back in the Hospital Wing, staring at the Tarantallegra and Rictumsmpra victims.

Anyway, out in the Quidditch Pitch, students were divided. Slytherin students were supposed to root for their house, of course, but some couldn't help but admire the Gryffindor Team, with Chaser Y/N and Seeker Chaeyoung.

Nayeon took a deep breath. She can't mess this up and disappoint Finley. If they won this match, they'd be ahead of Gryffindor, and if Gryffindor loses to Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw-

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