dance partner;

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Female Reader, but can probably be Neutral Reader :)

"I want to stay up tonight,"

I looked at her in disbelief. "Mo, we have classes tomorrow!"

She shrugged at me. "Okay, and?"

"We need to sleep early. I am not lending you my notes anymore." I huffed, crossing my arms. She eyed me. "Hmm... then, shall we bet?" My arms loosened. I hate the fact she knows that my weaknesses are bets and games. I looked down, contemplating whether I should take her up on that offer. I felt the bed dip beside me. Momo took my chin gently in her fingers and turned my head to face her. "Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to..." she paused. "but that means I win automatically."

I glared at her. "Fine. What does the winner get?" She grinned triumphantly. "Well, whoever loses has to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow. Or, treat the winner. And dessert!"

I checked the clock. 10:37 PM.

"Alright. Bet."

"Yes!" she whispered softly, throwing a fist in the air. "So, what should we do?" Momo threw herself on the bed, making me bounce a little. She grabbed one of the pillows and held it tightly. I played with the hem of my shirt. "I don't know, you're the one who suggested this."

She stayed quiet. I stood up and rummaged through my desk, looking for something to do. I took out a notebook and a pen. I heard a rustling behind me before Momo spoke, "What are you doing?"

"Well," I started, uncapping the pen with my teeth and making it hover over the blank page, "since we're staying up late, why not do something?"

"Like what?"

"I'm just gonna write."

"Write what?"

"Gosh, Momo, write whatever! I don't know." I mumbled the last part. Actually, I knew what to do. I'm going to organize my notes, since I wrote it in a rush this morning.

"Geez, sorry." I heard her sulk. I unknowingly smiled at her behaviour.

Momo and I have been friends since middle school. Actually, it was our mutual friend Sana who introduced us, it just so happened that Momo and I grew closer. It's been fun with her. She's a natural comedian, always doing questionable stuff that makes me laugh, though sometimes it frustrates me.

I started writing and highlighting, making small doodles here and there. Momo played music on her phone and danced, but I ignored her, only sneaking a glance every few minutes. I couldn't resist, have you seen her dance? Once I finished, I looked up, my hand tired from all the writing. Checking the clock once more, I discovered that it was 11:32. An hour and 5 minutes had passed since I started. I glanced behind me. My roommate was no longer dancing but sprawled on the bed. "Mo, are you asleep?"

She shot up immediately. "Of course not!"

I giggled. "Well, seems like you were."

"I wasn't!" she protested, "I got a bit tired, so I was just watching you."

At these words, I became flustered. I forgot to mention, sometimes she flirted without noticing. "O-oh..," I stuttered, "w-well, do you want to have midnight snacks?" She nodded eagerly. "Yes! What are we having?" I scratched my head. "Hmm, I think we can have cookies. I have some left over, maybe Pepero? We can play a few games with that."

She saluted, rushing out the door and returning seconds later with her arms full of snacks. "Here you go," she said, laying out her chosen chips on our bed. I reached out for the red-boxed Pepero, but she snatched it and ripped it open, sticking one in her mouth.

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