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Female Reader
got the idea from set me free mv

Sana observed her reflection in the mirror. Her dark hair was tied up in a half-up, half-down hairstyle, stray locks flowing down her shoulders and stubborn strands tickling her forehead.

Her uneasy hand played with the pearl necklace hanging on her neck. Although it was pretty loose, she still felt suffocated.

Suffocated because of her past, because she was taught beliefs she did not agree with.

Suffocated because of her present, because her family waited in the floor below for her appearance, wanting to introduce her to a promising man, her soon-to-be groom.

Suffocated because of her future, which she might spend with someone she doesn't love until she dies, forced to bear heirs because it was her role in life.

Scoffing, she glared at the pink dress that wrapped around her figure. The numerous folds and layers made her feel trapped in a body she wasn't comfortable in. The heels hugging her feet felt like it was determined to shape them into a smaller size.

The Minatozakis' only princess frustrated, she ripped off the expensive pearl necklace, finding satisfaction at the way each sphere bound on the smooth marble floor, producing faint click click sounds at every touch.

Next she grabbed a make-up remover and harshly wiped the red tint from her lips. They felt so free without the scarlet substance coating them. Throwing the stained pad on her dressing table, she jumped when she heard a knock at the door, which was shortly kicked open.

"You're not just going to sulk in here, are you?" Y/N crossed her arms, taking her place beside the Japanese girl.

"I don't want to see them," Sana whispered, head bowed and tears threatening to spill from her usually fierce eyes. "I don't want to get married."

The other girl's gaze softened as she lifted Sana's chin. "Let's get you ready."

Sana sighed deeply and nodded in defeat, accepting her fate.

Y/N strolled over to the dressing table and pulled open a drawer, picking up a lip brush and applying a new, pink tint to the other's lips.

Sana admired the younger's focused gaze. In a few weeks, she would be someone's bride and she would no longer be permitted to stare at her best friend the way she always did. The silent room was filled only with sounds of slight rustling and the noticeable tension between the two girls.

Finally, Sana spoke. "Would you grant me a wish, before I wed?"

"Of course."

"Can you kiss me?"

Y/N widened her eyes in surprise. "Pardon?"

The Minatozaki shrugged. "I've never had the chance to feel a woman's lips on mine. I guess I just want the experience."

"Are you sure that's the only reason?" the younger asked.


"Then what?"

"I don't know."

"You lie," said the L/N flatly, brushing the suit she wore and straightening her tie.

The older sighed once more and allowed herself to fall down on her bed. "Oh, alright. There's no point hiding it.

"I want to feel your lips on mine, because I want to know what could be if I were a man and I could marry you."

Satisfied, Y/N nodded and walked towards the latter. "Then I shall grant your wish."

Their lips connected, sparks coursing through their veins and fireworks erupting in their stomachs. Their senses went on overdrive, picking up anything and everything from muffled sighs and the texture of the other's skin; the other's scent to their minds clouded by euphoria.

They wanted to live in this moment forever, for it to never end, but loss of breath brought them back to reality.

Panting softly, Y/N gently grabbed Sana's warm hand. "I'm leaving tonight."

Sana, disbelieving, searched the L/N's eyes for a hint of a lie. "Surely you're not leaving me?"

"I came to this party for you. I should've left this morning."

"Then why are you telling me this just now?"

"Because," Y/N said, eagerness barely hidden in her voice, "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me, to run away and live somewhere, maybe a cottage in the forest, or-"

"Yes," Sana agreed immediately before the latter's sentence finished. "I want to come with you. I want to leave this prison."

Y/N smiled and pulled her up. "Then let's go down for a moment. After that, you can see what I prepared for this town."

The two girls made their way downstairs hand in hand, acting as casually as they could while excitement bubbled in their stomachs. Madame Minatozaki, Sana's grandma, was the first to spot them. "Ah, there you are," she clucked, throwing Y/n a disapproving glare, who responded with a hopefully innocent smile.

They persevered through the endless amount of compliments and criticism, waiting for the time they could finally get away.

The clock seemed to tick slower than usual when watched, but when it finally struck 12, Y/N searched for Sana amid the crowd of party-goers and found her talking to her to-be husband.

Wrapping her arms semi-protectively around the Minatozaki's waist, she glared at the man as she whispered in her friend's ear. "It's time."

Sana followed the L/N as the latter headed to the very front of the crowd, grabbing a wine glass and a spoon, and attracting every person's attention with the clicking of her glass. Sana's relatives frowned upon seeing Y/N there, disliking her and her attitude, and the fact she was close with their precious heir.

"Thank you," Y/N grinned, "thank you."

At the sound of her magnified voice, every whisper was extinguished. "As you all know, I'm a very rebellious girl. I don't give a fuck" - everyone gasped at her vulgar choice of words - "about what you all think. Women should wear dresses? I'll wear suits. I should accept whatever society decides for me? No, thanks. I don't even like men. I fell in love with a woman, the way a man apparently should.

You all hate me in this town because I'm a bad influence to your children. Well, I'll be out of your hair in a bit."

People started murmuring to each other, and Mr. Minatozaki scowled up at Y/N. She sent him a wide, mocking grin and called for silence once more.

"Now, listen very closely," she lowered her voice to a whisper. "I'm only saying this once...

bye, bitches!"

She seized Sana's hand and, giggling, shoved her way through the wall of people and kicked open the door. Sana tore after her, one hand holding up her dress and the other relishing the feeling of Y/N's hand in hers.

"Now!" Y/N yelled, and fireworks erupted in the sky, distracting the butlers chasing after them to watch the show.

The air was filled with laughter, screaming and explosions, the duo of girls feeling happier than they've ever felt before, and the Minatozakis screaming in rage.

Y/N and Sana rushed into a waiting carriage, waving goodbye at their past and awaiting the future.

The future that they would make for themselves.

twice imagines [ON GOING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora