whispers of the past; m.mn

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Female Reader
Let's pretend u live in Korea <33 also the dates are pretty inaccurate

"You know your father could see us at any moment?" you murmured into a girl's hair. She giggled softly. "I don't care, I just want to hold you." Despite a red tinted face, you pulled away and met her puzzled eyes. This was a bit difficult, since the girl's face was completely blurred except for her eyes, which shone with so much warmth and positivity. "You could get scolded."

"Any amount of scolding is worth it when I'm with you," she placed her lips on yours, but was interrupted by the doors crashing open and a young, obnoxious knight yelling, "There! There, the filthy peasant! How dare she taint our pure princess with her sinful lips?!" The king glowered at you and raised a bejeweled hand. "Seize the traitorous servant," he growled. The guards advanced, spears raised and arms outstretched. You were about to be caught, you knew it, and there was no way out-

You shot up with a sharp gasp, sweat rolling down your neck and making the sheets stick to your hand. Once you calmed down, you palmed your temples, grumbling underneath your breath. "Fuck, I'm so desperate for a love life that I dream of having a girlfriend, what the hell?"

Your eyes found their way over to your alarm clock, which innocently told you that you woke up 30 minutes late. "WHAT- Yeah, no, today's gonna be a bad day."

You slid lazily off of your comfortable bed and stomped to the bathroom, where you sleepily stripped to shower. The moment the cold water hit your skin, though, you were immediately awake, giving you energy to hold a personal, exclusive concert.

After that, you walked downstairs to be greeted by your parents, and, more importantly, your breakfast. You wolfed down your pancakes and grabbed your bag, waving goodbye to your father and a kiss for your mother (She absolutely refused to let you go without one).

The walk to school was peaceful, so when you walked through the door, you were in high spirits. You skipped to your first class, but were stopped on the way by the principal. "Ms. L/n," he said sternly, stopping you in your tracks by extending an arm. "Please come with me."

You followed obediently, worried that you'd done something and were now in trouble. He led you to his office, and you just noticed another girl in the room after you sat down. "This is Mina," the principal said. "She's a transfer student from Japan."

Glancing at her uncertainly, you opened your mouth to speak. "Can she speak-"

"Yes, I speak Korean," said Mina softly, sending you a small smile. You turned red in embarrassment. "Oh, okay, sorry," you stammered. Turning to the principal you tried again. "May I know why I was called?"

He pressed his fingers together, resting his chin upon them and peering at you through the top of his glasses. "Well, you've been studying here since elementary."

You nodded curiously.

"Because of that, I think I am right to assume you've memorized the school's layout?"

You nodded again.

"Well, you're also very friendly, so would you kindly give Mina a tour around? She has the same schedule as you, by the way."

You shrugged. "Sure," you stood up, extending a hand to Mina. "Let's go?"

She stared at your hand, making you retract it with a red face and bowing apologetically. You left the room, making sure she followed you. You bade goodbye to the principal and walked on, Mina by your side. "So," you started, sort of desperate to avoid an awkward silence. "You're Japanese, huh?"

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