touch like fire;

883 40 28

Female Reader

You lay down on the bed, staring out the window and missing the warmth and comfort she brought. Your eyes drifted to the framed photograph on the bedside table, and a smile formed on your lips. Your hand emerged from under the heavy sheets to pick it up, beaming at the miniature people in it.

There was your mother, standing with a perfect posture as always with a hand on your father's and brother's shoulders. Your father sat in a chair as if it were a throne, a proud regal look on his face. Your brother stood next to him, his attractive features prominent.

You were standing on your father's other side, face void of emotion.

But it wasn't a family photo. Your brother's boyfriend stood beside him with their fingers intertwined. Mina was beside you with your hand around her waist, a bright twinkle in her eye.

You remembered this day dearly. It was a couple of days before your brother and Mina's wedding, when suddenly both of them burst into a room with their parents and declared that they were seeing other people.

You were present, and although you tried to stop it, a loud laugh had escaped your throat. "Is that how you planned to reveal it?" you had asked your girlfriend incredulously.

And that was how the wedding was canceled, and you lived happily ever after.

Your smile only widened when you heard the front door creaking open and a soft voice call out for you. "Y/N? Are you awake? You better be."

You slipped off your bed and searched for your slippers, stretching afterward and feeling the satisfying relief in your back. "Yeah, baby. I'm up."

"You mean you just got up." Mina raised an eyebrow, eyeing your messy hair and sleepy eyes.

You sent her a lopsided grin. "Mhm. Where'd you go? It was lonely without you."

She blushed a bit and took out the basket of freshly baked bread. "I went out to buy breakfast. Come, they might get cold."

"Did I forget something for today?"

Mina opened her mouth to speak, but you interrupted her. "No, no, don't say. It's Alana's birthday, right?"

Your girlfriend grinned proudly. "Good job! Now I don't have to be your human calendar."

"Actually, I just remembered because she's my niece."

"Damn it."

The two of you arrived at your niece's party just on time, which was a good thing because your brother was about to beat you up for forgetting.

But nothing was worse than seeing the sulky pout on Alana's face. When she saw you, though, she ran straight for you.

And jumped into Mina's arms.

"Auntie Mina!" she squealed, throwing her short arms around your girlfriend's neck.

"Hey, I'm here too," you huffed, but the little girl only waved.

For a kid's birthday party full of 7-year-olds running around, it was actually pretty fun.

Except for when Mina scolded you about the cake.

"Y/N! Don't touch the cake."

"Why not? It's gonna be eaten anyway."

"That's Alana's!"

"Geez, okay!"

You had only agreed to leave the dessert alone because of the piercing glare Mina was giving you.

"Aunt Y/N!" Alana grinned, hugging your legs. You picked her up, marveling at how heavy she got.


"Nothing," she giggled. "I just wanted to ask when you'd give me a cousin."

You almost dropped her in shock. "What?"

"I mean, it would be nice to have a cousin to play with, so.."

"But you have many friends- all your age too," you stuttered, still surprised at the sudden question.

"Yeah, but it's not the same."

"Hey, baby," Mina tickled Alana, "your dads are looking for you. How can we sing the birthday song without the birthday girl?"

Alana gasped extra-dramatically, jumping from your arms and running as fast as she could to her fathers.

You watched her go, leaning to whisper into Mina's ear. "You know, she basically asked me when we were gonna have kids."

Waiting for her to react to the news, you were the one who was surprised when she hummed. "I've been thinking that too."


"Haven't you?" she turned to you, scanning your face expectantly. "Haven't you thought of starting our own little family too?"

It had crossed your mind a couple of times, but you'd never actually thought about it much. Instead, you grinned. "Yeah. You'd make a perfect mother."

You leaned forward, wordlessly asking for a kiss, but Mina turned your head away with her finger. "We're at a kid's party."

You scowled disappointedly.

She smirked. "Maybe when we get home."


i've only got 2 drafts left, comment some songs and a member, i'll listen to it and make a oneshot

(this is pt. 2 of LIPS LIKE WINE btw)

anyway i should really stop posting this late

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