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Neutral Reader

You tossed and turned in your bed, the sheets getting tangled up in your legs. In your mind, fragments of thoughts and worries drifted here and there, preventing you from falling asleep. You'd had a not-so-great day, leading to you having a not-so-great mood.

Your gaze eventually landed on the phone on your nightstand, a new idea popping up in your head.

Did it matter if she was asleep? She did tell you to call her whenever you needed help (game related or otherwise), and right now you needed help falling asleep.

Of course you didn't want to bother her, but you were growing desperate. So, with a slightly hesitant hand, you picked up the device and clicked on her contact, listening to the rings echoing throughout your quiet bedroom.

It hadn't been more than three rings when you heard a weary, feminine voice entering your ears. "Y/N? Did you need me?"

At the sound of Mina's voice, a smile immediately overtook your face. "Mmm. I'm sorry, did I wake you up? I just.. you said I could call you whenever."

Shuffling could be heard from the other line, followed by a few groans. "Yes, I did say that." She sounded more awake now. "You okay? Are you stuck on another level?"

Picking up on her teasing tone, you chuckled. "No. I had trouble falling asleep."

"Then why did you call me?" Mina was confused. "Wouldn't that give you a harder time sleeping?"

You sighed, sheepishly examining your nails. "I thought hearing your voice would calm me down."

A beat.

Swallowing nervously, you were about to apologize and hang up when she let out a laugh. "Don't fall asleep yet, and don't hang up."

Confused but curious about her request, you did as she asked, mumbling out responses whenever she asked questions. Your words started to slur and your eyelids were tired of staying open, but your mind wanted to keep listening to Mina's voice.

Finally, she caught your attention again. "Y/N, open the door."

"Mmm.." you said back, not fully processing her words. When you understood, you tiredly pushed yourself off of your bed. "Wait, what?"

Mina had hung up on you, but the knocking on your front door confirmed her request. You didn't even have the energy to look for your slippers, so you made your way barefoot, careful not to bump into anything.

When you pulled open your door, Mina was standing there, looking just like you did. Hair messy, still in her pajamas, eyes half-closed. "You gonna let me in or what?"

So you did. She brushed past you and headed straight to your bedroom, much to your confusion. You got in beside her and made yourself comfortable, a sigh of contentment escaping your throat. "Mina.." You shifted around to lay on your side, staring at the woman in your sheets. "Why are you here? I just wanted to hear your voice."

"You can hear me right now," she huffed, her eyes closing. "Go to sleep already."


Your words were cut off when she threw a leg over yours. "Sleep."

Having no choice, you shut your mouth and watched her instead. After minutes passed, you focused on the rise and fall of her side as she breathed. In your close proximity, you could hear her heart beating in a relaxed rhythm. You let your eyes wander across her face: at the moles littering the porcelain skin like tiny constellations; at her eyelashes brushing against her cheeks like butterfly wings; at the subtle pout on her pink lips.

Can you believe you met her in a subway, when you struggled to pass a game level?

After that, you met again a couple of times, mostly to play together. But as time passed you discovered that you shared similar interests, and maybe that's what pushed you to realize your feelings for her.

Mina shifted.

You wanted to scoop her into your arms. She looked so peaceful, so stress-free, that you were kind of jealous. Her presence helped a lot for your difficulty in sleeping, since she radiated such a comforting aura. But no, that would be weird. It's creepy enough that you were staring at her as she slept.

Oh, how wrong you were.

Mina's eyes flew open, your alarmed gaze locked with those brown eyes. "I'm still awake, you know. I can feel your stare burning into my face."

Your face burned in embarrassment. You huffed at her, turning your head to bury it in the soft pillows instead. "I was just thinking. It's not my fault you were in the way of me spacing out." Your voice came out muffled. Mina's breathy laugh entered your ears, making you smile in spite of yourself.

"Penny for your thoughts?"


You felt the bed shifting, grunting when a weight draped across your back. "It's okay. We'll talk tomorrow."

Maybe you should've been nervous. What made her think there was something to talk about?

But at that moment, you were just so tired. You melted into her embrace and drifted off to sleep.



not sure how this is connected to subway but let's pretend it is-

i was up one night and the "im still awake you know" just came into my mind and i just HAD to write it 😭 but i also really wanted to finish a req before school starts so yeah💔

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