oops; c.ty

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Female/Neutral Reader

You hurried through the door and rushed upstairs, making sure that the thing wrapped in your jacket was okay. After a quick surveillance of the vicinity you concluded that your girlfriend wasn't home yet.

Okay, proceed with the plan.

A whine emerged from your bundle of clothes, making you smile. Locking the door, you stripped off your outer layer, revealing the puppy inside.

You headed to the bathroom with it, not bothering to change out of your dirty shirt since you were bound to get wet anyway. Eyebrows furrowed, you scanned the bathroom for Butter and Kaya's shampoo.

Speaking of, it was probably because of them Tzuyu's out. Better thank them with treats once they return.

Anyway, you lathered your new pet with pet shampoo, washing away the dirt and discovering that its fur was actually white and not brown. Once you finished, it shook itself dry, letting you wrap it in a blanket and dry it.

You checked the puppy, deciding that it was a male. He let out a bark and nuzzled your hand. "Hmm.." you thought aloud, looking around in your head for a name. "Should I name you.. Atlas?"

Atlas barked again, tongue out and tail wagging. You giggled and pet him. "Stay here, I'll get you some food."

You quickly undressed and put on a comfier t-shirt, one of Tzuyu's. Walking downstairs for the dog food, you heard the door creak open. "Baby? I'm home."

Butter and Kaya came rushing in, leashes falling out of Tzuyu's hand. They came at you with paws scrabbling at your pants and begging for a pet. You chuckled, kneeling down to give them a kiss and spoil them with compliments.

A loud bark from your room interrupted you.

Tzuyu looked curiously at her dogs, noting that they didn't make a sound and were innocently gazing at her. She moved toward the stairs, but was stopped by you.

"Haha, so.. How was your walk?" you started nervously, hoping she thought she was hearing things.

"Y/N..." she started, placing her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at you.

"Yes?" you said enthusiastically, looking anywhere but her.

"What's up there?"

"Up where?"

Sighing, she tried to push you away, but you remained firm. "You're hiding something."

You shrugged nonchalantly before running up to hide Atlas before Tzuyu saw him. Sadly, she was tall and therefore had long legs, and she caught up with you pretty quickly. Just as you were convincing Atlas to hide in the closet, she burst through the door.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed, eyes widening at the sight of the new dog. "Is that a dog?"

No, it's a giraffe.

"Umm.." Well, you couldn't lie now. "Yeah. I found him on my way home, and I think he was abandoned, so..."

"Baby, you don't adopt just out of pity. We've talked about this! It's not a good thing for both you and the dog, you'll be stressed trying to take care of it when you're not ready and he doesn't deserve it."

"But I am ready! In fact, I've talked about it with my mom, and she agreed. I was planning to visit the shelter this weekend and surprise you but.. there's just something about him that drew me in," you gazed at Atlas fondly. "So I guess the surprise is a little earlier than expected, huh?"

Tzuyu smiled. "Yeah, I guess. I'll take you to the vet tomorrow, since Butter and Kaya need a check-up anyway. We can get him set-up for shots if he needs it."

You blinked confusedly. "Huh?"

You girlfriend laughed. "You didn't really think I wasn't going to help, did you? He's our dog now, just like mine are yours."

Atlas tilted his head, blinking up at you with wide, innocent eyes. He hesitantly walked towards Tzuyu and gave her a small kiss on the hand. "Aww," you cooed. "Look, he likes you!"

"I like him too," she grinned.

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