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Female Reader
sorry if u don't like dresses (i don't either tbh)

I hate you. you thought as you glared at a particular Japanese girl. Her black hair elegantly cascaded down her shoulders like a dark waterfall, her warm brown eyes shone as the sunlight touched them. Her skin glowed as if fireflies hid under it, and her sickeningly perfect smile made your heart beat unnaturally fast.

You loathed Sana's effortless perfection, making you feel insecure and ignored, causing you to feel imperfect and missing something. She made you despise yourself for being jealous about someone, for hating someone because they were just favored by the universe.

Her sculpted-by-the-gods body wasn't the only thing, though. The fact that she was loved by everyone in the school was also because of her unrivaled kindness and positivity. Whenever she had the chance, she'd compliment a student who looked down. Her grades were as high as she is tall, her record as clean as her manners.

Sana felt your gaze and turned your way, eyes crinkling into crescents upon seeing you. You turned red at being caught staring and faced the wall, making you look stupid. "Fuck this," you grumbled, jogging off to your next class.

Unbeknownst to you, Sana's eyebrows had furrowed curiously when she saw you run away.


"Did you hear?" Dahyun said suddenly, fork pausing halfway to her mouth. You looked at her confusedly. "Guess you didn't, then," she continued, chewing on her fries. "So, Mr. Kang said that there's going to be a Valentine's Ball."

You shrugged indifferently, not caring whatsoever since you planned just to stay in your dorm room. "And," Chaeyoung interjected, "he said it's mandatory for 3rd years and higher to attend, so you can't have a sob party."

You groaned in irritation and ran a hand over your face. "Can't I, like, skip? I don't know what to wear."

"Nope," your friends said in unison. You sighed deeply. "Well, thanks for informing me anyway."

You stood up to return your tray to the lunch lady, but was stopped on the way by...

Minatozaki Sana.

Of course.

"What do you want?" you rolled your eyes. You could feel your heart beating so loudly as her familiar scent entered your nostrils, making you think she could hear it, which made you embarrassed and blush and made you more embarrassed, and it just sort of became a cycle.

"I noticed you looking at me earlier" - your ears burned at these words - "and um, I was just curious. I've seen you a lot but we haven't really talked, have we? You're Y/N, right?"

"Yes, and what about it?" you snapped, growing conscious of all the stares you received. "Now, if you will please let me pass, I have to go back to my room." 

Her curious eyes followed you out the room, smiling subconsciously when you stomped off quite childishly.


"Got any plans on what you're wearing?" Chaeyoung said as she highlighted important dates in her notes.

"No," you mumbled, lying spread-eagled on your bed and staring at the ceiling. Your phone started ringing loudly, and it was picked up by Chae. "Yo, yo! Y'all know who you're gonna ask out to the ball?" Dahyun's smiling face popped up on the phone. 

Chaeyoung suddenly got shy. You and Dahyun immediately teased her. "Eyyy! It's Mina unnie, isn't it?" you grinned. Your roommate glared at you and muttered, "Shut up."

twice imagines [ON GOING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat