angel in hell;

811 37 14

Neutral Reader (if you change a pronoun)
!TW: abuse!

"I love you," Mina whispered, arms looped around your neck. Your foreheads were touching, and the only sounds audible were your breathing and the water splashing from the fountain nearby. A huge grin was plastered to your face as you mumbled those three words back, leaning in for a passionate kiss.

And then the scene shifted and you found her with a man, pressed up against the wall as his hands roamed her body. She had her eyes closed while he growled in her ear, whimpering softly when he trailed kisses back to her lips.

Suddenly your eyes flew open, feeling the soft mattress beneath you and finding that you were hugged not by Mina, but by your covers. A disappointed sigh emitted from your lips as you closed your eyes again, trying to fall back asleep.

The sound of glass breaking against the wall reached your sensitive ears, as well as the loud thump of a door. Your eyes snapped open again, sitting up and slipping on your shoes. You walked out the door, automatically heading to the elevator. Your foot tapped impatiently as you waited for it to arrive, pressing the 2nd floor button once it did.

You speed-walked to a familiar door, knocking softly. It opened, revealing the tear-streaked face of your high school love. "Y/N," Mina muttered, wiping her nose on her sleeve. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater, but you knew what hid behind the cloth.

"Did he leave?" you asked, staring at her intently. She played with the hem of her shirt nervously, sending you a subtle nod. "Good." You gently pushed past her and entered her apartment room, eyes falling on the broken glass bottle.

"I heard that break." You pointed. "Did he hurt you with it?"

Mina was still staring at the floor, shaking her head. "No."

You gave another sigh, squatting down to gather the broken pieces of glass with a tissue. "Mina, you can trust me. Get in the bathroom and take out the first aid kit."

She obeyed you, albeit reluctantly. When you entered the bathroom, you found her sitting on the toilet seat, pajamas rolled up to her thighs exposing cuts and bruises. Your nose flared in anger, but you had to keep calm. For her.

Gathering cotton swabs and band-aids in your hands, you applied ointment on her wounds, occasionally hearing her hiss in pain. In your mind, you thought of nothing else but murdering her boyfriend.

Yes, her boyfriend. You were in a relationship with her back in high school, but her father didn't approve and instead she ended up with an abusive bastard. It was somewhat lucky that you got an apartment room near her, so that you could come to her whenever you felt that something was wrong.

Mina placed a tentative hand on your shoulder, soft eyes watching you work. "I'm sorry if I'm a burden."

"No," you scoffed. "I told you you could call me if you needed help. You never did."

"You have enough going on in your life without me..."

You stood up, rinsing your hands. "I'll stay here for a bit, at least until he comes back."

So the two of you sat on the couch together in silence, a huge gap between you. She had her knees tucked up to her chest while you rested your head back, almost falling asleep from the tiredness you felt. "Mina," you called, making her look at you curiously. "Why do you stay?"

Although you didn't elaborate, she understood. Her gaze averted. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"He hurts you," you pointed out. "He makes you cry and feel pain. You should leave him."

"I love him."

"That's not love, Mina. It really isn't."

"I.." Her voice trailed off. "I'm scared."

You ran a hand over your face. "I'm here. I keep telling you, I'm here. I'm here to help."

Before she could respond, the door flew open and a man's voice thundered through the room. "MINA! Cook me something right now! You know what happens if you don't."

Mina turned to you, eyes wide in alarm. "I'm c-coming! Go," she added. "Y/N, please."

But you decided that you didn't want her to have a hard time anymore. You waited until the man came into view, and then said, "Hey."

He stopped mid-walk, staring at you unbelievingly. "Who is she?"

You approached him, hands in your pockets. "I'm Y/N, Mina's friend."

Mina stayed behind the two of you, cowering against a wall. The man looked at her, fuming. "I told you not to go outside."

"Actually I come here," you butt in. "I insist on coming here."

"Kyle," Mina said softly. "Please."

Kyle's face twitched. "You know what happens when you disobey me, Mina." Her eyes widened once more, backing up even further into the wall. You stepped between the two of them, acting as a shield. "What are you going to do to her?"

Kyle didn't answer you. He only smirked. "Oh, nothing. I was messing around. Hey, baby, do you want to watch a movie?"

You scowled. But before you could open your mouth to speak, Mina spoke first. "No."

You looked at her in surprise, only to find her staring at you for reassurance. You nodded, and she continued after taking a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you."

Kyle acted hurt. "Why?"

"The fuck do you mean, why? You hurt her! Do you see the bruises on her body!?" you retorted, struggling against Mina's grip.

He scanned Mina, taking in the marks he inflicted on her. "Mm, you don't really know what she's like."

This time Mina walked right up to him and slapped his face. "You forced me," she mumbled, struggling to control her anger. "I didn't want it."

"You, Y/N. Leave."

"You think I'm going to do as you say?" you replied. "I called the police, and they're coming for you. You better think about your behavior!"

As if on cue, the door opened for the third time. A group of police officers swarmed inside, surrounding you three. "You! Hands in the air. Don't try to fight it."

You watched as he was put in handcuffs and ushered outside. Mina did, too, body flushed against your own. You wrapped your arms comfortingly around her and rested your chin on her head. "It's okay. He's gone now."

You were glad that a dark chapter in her life ended, and you would patiently wait until she was ready to move on.


tbh i didn't know why i wrote this, i was just very inspired by Alec Benjamin's "Water Fountain", "Must've Been The Wind", and "Devil Doesn't Bargain" ( i suggest you listen to these songs, they're very good

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