show me;

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Female Reader, but can probably be Neutral Reader :)

"I want to know how much I mean to you," Mina, my friend of 4 years, said. I stared at her for a moment, not fully comprehending what she had said. We had met during high school, when I bumped into her and sent her books sprawling on the floor. Cliché, I know, but that was what happened. Ever since, she stayed by me, reminding me of things I had forgotten or inviting me to hang out somewhere. She was the main reason I passed with impressive grades, what with her constant tutoring. She was - and is - also the sole reason I tried. I plastered a smile on my face.

"You know already. I love-"

"Love is just a word. If you can say it so easily, then you must not mean it," she cut me off. I could not read her body language, nor her eyes. I hated the fact she knew how to hide her emotions so easily while I was the polar opposite. Shifting uneasily on the table where I habitually sat, I tried again. "You're my best friend."

I hoped that it was the answer she wanted, but to my dismay she frowned. "Is that all I am to you?"

If I'm being honest, no, it's not all she is to me.

Mina is the very reason I wake up in the morning when all I want to do is dive back under the covers. My day brightens when I see her smile no matter what happens. Her infectious laugh sounds like music to my ears. I melt at the way her usually strict gaze turns gentle upon meeting my eyes. Her hands are so soft I had to make the excuse that "I need you to know 10 reasons why today is a good day" just to hold them.

But I can't tell her that. She means a lot to me, but she probably doesn't see me as more than a friend.


I played with the hem of my sweatshirt, trying to find the proper words to tell her without lying nor giving anything away. It proved to be difficult, the words were already in my mind but I couldn't catch them, the words were at the tip of my tongue but refused to leave my lips.

"Y/N? You still there?"

I sighed harshly, forcing myself to look into her eyes. I tried not to drown in their soft brown hue, pulling me in and whispering at me, telling me to just let go of reality and stare into them forever. I tried to show my emotions through my eyes.

She did not seem to see.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she demanded, huffing and crossing her arms. "Why don't you just answer me and be done with it?"

"Why do we need to talk?" I retorted. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at my outburst. I decided to continue. "You said it yourself. Love is just a word. All the words in the world simply describe something, but words aren't enough to describe what I feel for you. You know what they say, 'actions speak louder than words'."

Mina took a step forward. "Okay," she said quietly. "Show me then."

I turned red. This wasn't what I expected would happen. "Should I?"


"But..." I trailed off. How should I do it without making her uncomfortable?

She walked forward, stopping between my legs. Her hands trapped me in place, making me turn - if possible - even redder. "Kiss me," she breathed.

"Are you sure?" I had to make sure. I can't make a mistake as grave as this.

But I didn't have to worry. Mina nodded impatiently, prompting me to lean forward until our noses touched. I felt her hot breath fanning against my lips. I admired every detail of her face, taking advantage of our close proximity. Screwing my eyes shut, I pressed my lips on hers, feeling them cushion mine.

Her hands made their way up my body, stopping to rest around my shoulders and tangling themselves in my hair. Mine snaked around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.

Unfortunately, air became an issue. Both of us reluctantly pulled away, putting our foreheads together and staring deeply into each other's eyes. Slowly, we both smiled.

"I think I know how much I mean to you now, because that's exactly how much you mean to me."


short one

another update!!!


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