the world doesn't have to know; p.jh

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Female Reader

You stood backstage at an award show, fingering a make-up brush restlessly.

A group of 9 entered the room, chatting happily with each other. Your face brightened, but you were only looking for one person.

Catching your eye, she sent you a wide smile, walking excitedly to you and sitting on the chair, facing you. 

"How was I?" she grinned as you picked up a comb to brush away the stray hair clinging to her beautiful face.

"Amazing as always," you replied. Jihyo nodded in satisfaction and sat still, letting you re-apply make-up.

You almost melted from the way she stared at you intently, growing conscious of the red blush painting your cheeks. "Stop looking at me like that," you whispered, sending her a brief angry face before turning to reach for the lip brush.

Her addicting chuckle entered your ears as hands came in contact with your waist. You playfully swatted them away and put tint on her lips.

She watched as your eyebrows furrowed down in concentration. Your tongue poked out the corner of your lips as you wiped off a smudged mark with your pinky. "I want to kiss you so bad," she muttered, pulling you closer.

You cast a wary look and frowned at her. "Not here, okay?"

She understood what you meant, but that doesn't mean she liked it. You were just an anonymous make-up artist in a relationship with a worldwide idol, nobody could know. Not even your closest friends, because even if you love them dearly, you never know when they might let something slip.

It was hard, sometimes. Jihyo wanted to let the world know about you, to be able to love you where people could see and brag about you to anyone who'll listen. You wanted to be able to be comfortable with showing affection to the person you love, like any other couple. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

But you two were okay with it, if it meant the both of you were safe and happy.


As you passed by a dark corridor, a loud shriek escaped your throat when a firm hand grabbed you backward. You landed into the chest of a mystery person, who wrapped their arms around you and slammed you against the wall. "Chill," your girlfriend snickered. "I just want to hang out."

Jihyo put her lips on yours, tightly gripping your hips and making you sigh blissfully. Even if it was dark, her beauty illuminated the room. You felt her warm touch roaming your body, and you couldn't do anything but bask in your euphoria.

"You and I," you sighed out, "have different meanings for hang out. I'm not complaining, though."


You slammed the car door closed, instantly feeling a hand on your thigh. "I missed you," Jihyo stated, eyes staring forward.

"We just saw each other earl-"

You were cut off by a chaste kiss, leaving you as pink as the lips that pulled away from yours. "I'd prefer an 'I miss you too'."


"Ah, I'm so tired," Jihyo whined, melting into the chair. She had just finished filming her scenes for the coming music video. You giggled at her state, pulling a can of soda from your refrigerator and handing it to her.

"What do you want to watch?" you asked, flopping down next to her on the couch. She instantly pulled you into her arms, resting her chin on your head as you looked for interesting movies on Netflix.

You two were curled up against each other, giggling as the main character and the male lead talked, when both you and Jihyo's phones rang. Picking them up, you saw that the producer was calling.

Nervously answering, you let out a small, "Hello?"

"Y/N. I know Jihyo is with you. Come to my office, now."

You did as he asked, dreading what he was about to say and finding little comfort in your intertwined fingers. Once you open the door, you are met by the producer's solemn face. "There are rumors circling around the internet right now," was all he said, pushing an iPad towards you both.

You peeked at it, heart dropping lower and lower with each article that met your eyes. They had big bold words saying:

'TWICE's Jihyo seen in an intimate position with another woman.'

'Is TWICE'S Jihyo gay?'

'Jihyo of TWICE seen on what seems like a date with a woman.'

Beneath these headlines were pictures of you two kissing in the car, the other of Jihyo's hand around your wrist and dragging you off to somewhere private.

You shared a look with Jihyo, tears blurring your vision. You bowed multiple times at the producer. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again. We can deny it-"

"It's true, then?" he asked sharply. You hung your head once more and nodded. He gave a frustrated sigh. "I was hoping it was photoshopped, then we could've denied it truthfully. You do know that you're putting your privacy and career on the line for this relationship?"

"I'm aware, sir," Jihyo said lowly, grabbing your hand. "And I still chose to be with her."

The producer sighed once more. "I need you two to break up."

You shot up from your seat. "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me. I need you to break up. You do that, we deny these claims, and ta-da! everyone is happy."

"Sir, I think you misunderstand. We don't plan on doing that-" Jihyo started.

He glared at her. "Break-up, or leave TWICE permanently. Your choice."

He left the room. You immediately collapsed in a fit of sobs, clutching your knees against your chest. It broke Jihyo's heart to see you like this. She hurried over to your side and pulled you into her arms. "Hey, hey.. shhh, it's going to be alright." She assured you, but you know it wasn't true.

"Jih..," you whispered, pulling yourself up and walking back from her. You wiped your tears from your face. "Let's break up."

Her heart shattered at those words. "W-what?"

"I don't want you to risk your career for me, Jih," you shook your head. "I.. I'll see you around."

And you ran off, leaving her to cry alone.

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