airplane; y.jy

520 32 4

Female Reader

Jeongyeon was extremely grateful when she managed to board the plane without being recognized. She saw this as a miracle, considering her international fame as a singer.

She was almost incredulous, but thought it was for the best.

Looking out the window, she smiled at the thought of a vacation. She'd asked JYP if she could take a break and head to another country, and the company granted their permission.

It was only a few minutes before the plane took off. Some of her members had come with her, but unfortunately their seats were separated.

Her train of thoughts was broken when a figure stood over her. The stranger was undeniably pretty, but looked nervous, too. Her hair was slightly disheveled, her plaid jacket rustled in some places. "Excuse me," she said, and Jeongyeon's eyebrows raised slightly. "Can we, uh, switch seats?"

Jeongyeon was confused. First of all, how did this stranger not recognize her? Her face was in full view, her mask discarded in her bag. She'd even removed her hat. Second of all, didn't people prefer the window seat? Why did this girl want to be away from it?

But she smiled. "Yes, of course."

The pretty stranger threw her a grateful smile upon seating herself. "Thank you. I'm.. not a fan of window seats."

The second time they talked was when Jeongyeon noticed her unease when the plane started to lift. The girl's hands were clamped over the armrests, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. Her alluring eyes flickered towards the window from time to time. Growing concerned, the singer opened her mouth to speak. "First time?"

The girl jumped. She blinked, processing her seatmate's words. "No." She finally replied. "But first time alone."

Jeongyeon nodded in understanding. "I assume you're not a fan of flying?"


Thinking about this, the brunette offered her hand. The other girl stared at it in surprise, unsure what to do. "If you want, you can hold my hand. It might bring you some comfort, at least."

The pretty stranger paused, but when the plane slightly bucked, she quickly gripped the extended hand.

Jeongyeon relished the feeling of her hand around the stranger's slightly smaller one. Her skin was soft and smooth, as if it were a baby's. She was tempted to ask what moisturizer she used, but then thought that that would be a weird question to ask someone you'd just met.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." A soft voice entered the singer's ears.


"Where are you heading?"

Seeing her as trustable, Jeongyeon saw no reason to lie. Besides, how could she? They were in the same plane, going to the same destination. She didn't even know why Y/N asked that question. To make small talk, she supposed.


"Me too."

The plane bucked again. Y/N shut her eyes closed and sucked in a breath, while Jeongyeon winced at the tightness of her grip.

"Are you on vacation too?" Jeongyeon asked, mostly to distract the other but also to help loosen the harsh hold on her fingers. Y/N noticed this and apologized, reluctantly letting go.

"Yes. My friend usually comes with me, but something came up at the last minute."

"I see. Look, if you need anything, just ask me, okay? I may be a stranger, but I'd like to help you."

Y/N smiled. "Thank you."

The rest of the ride was filled with conversations in hushed voices, a couple of giggles released here and there whenever one would share a funny story. Jeongyeon tried to mask her true identity without actually lying, but Y/N didn't seem to care about who she is.

Jeongyeon didn't know why, but she felt a sense of pride whenever she made the other girl smile. She felt the need to help her, to watch over her, to protect her from everything in this world. Maybe it was her instincts from being the second eldest in her group, but with this stranger, it felt different.

Before they knew it, the pilot made the landing announcement. Both girls sighed in disappointment upon realizing that they were going to get separated. Y/N no longer needed to hold Jeongyeon's hand when they landed, and instead gathered the courage to say "Can I have your number?"

The brunette thought for a moment. "Sure." It didn't matter whether her manager and company got mad and scolded her. Afer all, she wasn't forbidden to make friends, was she?

They exchanged numbers and small smiles, the last view Jeongyeon had of the girl was her grateful eyes. "Thank you."

How likely is it to befriend someone on an airplane?


hello! pretty short and bad quality but im still starting to get back to writing. thank you very much for waiting!

twice imagines [ON GOING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt