distractions; i.ny

774 44 21

Female/Neutral-ish Reader

You walked through the door, frowning at the uncharacteristic silence of your apartment. A sigh left your lips upon remembering the occasion. So, you made your way to the living room where, as you had guessed, Nayeon was buried in various books and papers, eyes glued to the laptop.

"How long have you been studying?" you asked with your hands on your hips.

Nayeon either ignored you or didn't seem to hear you. Instead she started reciting underneath her breath.


She scratched her temple with the eraser tip of her pencil.


She jumped, looking at you in surprise. Once she recognized you, she calmed down. "Geez, Y/N. No need to be so loud."

"Oh, I'm being loud, now?" you raised an eyebrow. "I asked you how long you've been studying."

"Um, maybe an hour?"

You shook your head. "No, you've been in the same position since I left this morning. Did you even take a break at all, or even eat?"

Nayeon sheepishly grinned. "Maybe a little..?"

You groaned and headed to the kitchen, bringing her a full glass of water. "Take a break right now."

"But Y/N, I have to learn all this in two days!" she complained, gesturing to the sea of papers around her.

"And what good will overworking do?"

"I need to study! Can you give me some alone time, just a bit?" Nayeon asked, failing to hide her annoyance.

"No," you said stubbornly, moving up behind her and tidying up the mess. You placed your hands on her shoulders. "Wow, look at this, you're so stiff!"

"I'm fine!" she protested. "Y/N, I swear, I need to study! Please leave me alone for now."

"When's your exam?"

"I told you, in two days."

"That's a lot of time! You started studying two weeks ago. You need to to take a break or else you won't be able to focus because of lack of sleep."

"Y/N, please~" she whined.

Instead of agreeing and leaving her, you placed the laptop on the table and swung your leg over her lap, straddling her. You felt satisfaction at the evident blush coating her cheeks. "What are you doing?" she breathed, trying to push you off and reach for her device.

"Uh-uh," you tutted, pushing the thing farther away. You gripped her jaw and forced her to look up at you. "If you won't take a break, then I'll make you."

"I can't afford to get distracted."

"Mm, I think I'm doing a very great job at being a distraction."

"Y/N.." she said again, but you heard the need in her voice. She wanted you to distract her.

So you leaned in and pressed your lips firmly on hers, smirking at the relieved sigh that slipped past her lips. Her hands planted themselves on your waist, pulling you closer to her.

"Ah, Nayeon~" you teased, almost losing it when she growled. You did lose it when she switched to your neck instead, tenderly nipping at the soft skin.

"Thank you for helping me, baby," she hummed lowly, sliding her hands under your shirt and stroking your sensitive spine. "I do feel relaxed now."

But she deserved a punishment for not listening to you. You got off her lap, ignoring her whines, and settled down on a different chair instead. "Have a snack and rest for a few minutes. After that you can go back to your studying. You have two days, after all."

"Can't we make out instead?" she pouted disappointedly.

"I don't think that counts as resting."

"Oh trust me," she said, standing up and approaching you. "It does for me."

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