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Female Reader
Hogwarts AU

Two people at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were probably more well known than Harry Potter himself.

Minatozaki Sana and Y/N L/N seemed to have confused the Sorting Hat. Their personalities contrasted with their respective houses' stereotypes, much to the amusement of the students.

The Slytherins were known to be ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal. Their cunning plans mostly allowed them to gain something, despite being more harm than good to individuals apart from themselves. Sana, with her bubbly, friendly personality, was sorted into this house. Everyone, including her housemates, did not understand how someone like her could be in a house with such a bad reputation. With her bright smiles and warm presence, surely she would fit better in a house like Hufflepuff? Although she was often seen around girls, her words laced with subtle flirting.

Meanwhile, Y/N L/N was deemed the Hufflepuff snake. Rebellious and stubborn, she was the professors' constant headache. She had no regard to rules and preferred to wear her uniform with her tie undone, the first few buttons of her shirt open. Her face held a permanent, arrogant smirk. If you needed her, you'd find her in common rooms that aren't hers or in empty classrooms, usually with some girl or guy. How could such a silver-tongued girl be sorted into the house of kind, patient Hufflepuffs? But then again, she was extremely loyal to those close to her.

And yet the two have found a way to become even more popular than they already were. The almost routinely visits in the Great Hall, where one or the other would leave their house table and start bickering. It was always an amusing sight, especially since the next few seconds would end up in them trying to fluster the other.

Both presently stood in the middle of an abandoned corridor; Y/N with her habitual undone tie, and Sana with her uniform in perfect state.

"...definitely winning. We've got Momo," Y/N was saying, eyebrow raised. Sana snorted and shook her head.

"Look, Momo's my best friend and I love her, but we've got a great team, too."

"Really?" Y/N didn't seem very convinced. "Your team who've gotten more penalties than Madam Hooch could count?"

Sana scowled. "That was last year. Now, I've really got to go-"

They were supposed to be in Transfiguration, but here they were, arguing about Quidditch. As if on cue, they heard footsteps rapidly approaching, each thump causing their hearts to beat a little faster.

Now, Y/N didn't very much care if she got detention, but she wasn't in the mood to be scolded by Filch. Besides, a part of her didn't want to get Sana in trouble, however much she despised her (is what she kept telling herself).

She boredly rolled her eyes and yanked open the nearest closet's door, jumping inside and pulling Sana behind her. The door closed, enclosing them in a dark, somewhat dank box.

It wasn't made for two people. It wasn't even made for people. They held their breaths and tried not to grumble whenever one would get poked in the ribs. Y/N was almost on top of Sana, who was in an awkward position, her hot breath fanning onto Y/N's neck. They were extremely close, bodies flushed together, radiating heat that made Sana quite flustered. They were nose to nose, breaths mixing, avoiding eye contact but the only thing they could look at was each other.

Unless you wanted to watch the stray cobwebs.

They heard the footsteps stop. No doubt the person had stopped right in front of them, so they didn't dare breathe. A moment passed. Adrenaline coursed through both their veins, the thrill of their position exhilarating.

Finally, they felt the unknown figure's presence leave, and they exhaled in relief. It was only then that Sana noticed how close they were, but even then she was reluctant to leave. Y/N's eyes seemed to pierce into her mind, her lips so inviting. Had they always been that pink? At the thought, her face adopted a shade of red, similar to Gryffindor's colors.

"Looks like someone's a little shy," Y/N mumbled lowly, smirking. Her hand trailed up from her side and made its way to Sana's chin. She had the well known charmer wrapped around her finger at the moment. "Looks like I won this time, didn't I?"

Sana gulped. She wanted to protest and say they weren't even flirting, wanted to deny it and point out that they had almost been found, but the words got caught in her throat. She felt Y/N's cold fingers caress the skin of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"What if I did something more, huh?" Y/N was impossibly closer now. Her tongue ran over her bottom lip, and it drove the Slytherin insane. "What a scandal, Hufflepuff's snake and Slytherin's sunshine, rumored to hate each other's guts, inside a broom closet?"

Sana came to her senses. Her eyes darkened. She brought her own hand up and started unbuttoning her shirt, whispering, "It's a bit hot, isn't it?"

The Hufflepuff watched her strip off her clothing one by one, until all that was left was the white shirt and skirt. "Need a little distraction?"

However, they were interrupted from escalating further by a timid voice, presumably from a fourth-year. "Um, Professor McGonagall told me to look for you. I, uh, heard voices, so I'm assuming you're Sana and Y/N..."

Y/N looked displeased. Sana, too, felt annoyed, though she tried to keep her expression neutral. The earlier atmosphere had gone, so she mouthed, What now?

A mischievous glint made itself known in Y/N's eyes. Without a word, she unbuttoned her shirt even further, wrapping her yellow and black tie around her neck. She ran her hand - which had formerly been on Sana's jaw - through her hair, messing it up even more than it was. When she was satisfied with her new look, she faced Sana. "Kiss me."

Speechless, Sana only stared at her. Until Y/N grabbed a fistful of her collar, at least. "I just need to smudge my lipstick. Might teach that girl not to interrupt next time."

Next time, Sana thought, there would be a next time. Maybe not in another closet, but a next time where they could have fun.

She agreed, letting Y/N capture her in a somewhat fiery kiss. She was already breathless when they pulled away, and that was just a taste of what Y/N could do.

"Hey," Y/N said, her voice raspy. She was staring down at a fourth-year Hufflepuff. "Tell Professor I'm sorry. I got caught up in.." She glanced back at Sana, who looked quite disheveled. "..activities."

The poor fourth-year turned red in embarrassment at what she'd seen. Stuttering, she slowly backed away. "Uh, yeah. Sorry for- Um- Bye!"

"So, Minatozaki," Y/N winked. "Meet me in Classroom 3D, tonight."


didn't come out as good as i expected but whatever. also couldnt think of a title :,I

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