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Neutral Reader

A sigh left your lips once your head hit the back of the chair. You'd been standing, holding on to the metal pole for dear life for about 30 minutes. Your legs ached so, closing your eyes, you let your body relax. Feeling bored, you took out your phone and tapped on a game, telling yourself that you'd go to sleep after a few rounds.

The doors opened, but you were unfazed. At least, not until a girl sat really close to you, your arms pressed together due to the lack of available seats. You glanced at her and almost malfunctioned, not believing the breathtaking sight before you.

She was dressed only in a simple shirt and jeans, yet she looked absolutely flawless. You looked around - surely everyone else would be staring at this angel, right? But when you raised your head, every passenger was either on their phone or asleep.

No damn way they didn't notice her?!

Shaking yourself out of it, you returned to your game. However, you had trouble winning, because you felt every movement from the girl beside you. You were very sure your face was red now. It made you a bit embarrassed, she was a literal stranger! There's no way you could suddenly have a crush on someone you didn't even know.

It had been, what, five stations already? You were nearing your destination, and your seatmate still wasn't leaving. You were happy and tortured at the same time.

Huffing when you lost yet again, you felt a finger tap your shoulder. You turned to face the person and made eye contact with the beautiful stranger. She most likely heard your groans of annoyance every time you lost, and the constant shifting of your legs probably annoyed her.

Realizing this, you turned red again and avoided her observant gaze. "Y-yes?" You internally cursed yourself for stuttering.

When she spoke, your heart thumped loudly in your chest. "Would you like me to help you?" she asked in a soft, melodic voice, gesturing to your phone.

"Ah.." You stared at the device. Smiling sheepishly, you offered it to her. "Yes, please."

She took it, carefully, and in about a minute she won the round you'd been losing for so long. Your jaw dropped. She had skills! No doubt she was a gamer.

She glanced at you and smiled upon seeing your reaction. She clicked on the next round, and won that too. And the next. And the next.

And the next.

By this time you were leaning so close to her your head was on her shoulder, watching the way her fingers flew across the screen effortlessly. However, you were confused when she suddenly exited the app and moved to your phone contacts.

You watched her add her number, putting the contact name as 'Minaring🐧'. She handed your phone back to you with a smile, standing up when the doors opened for the last station.

You tried to catch up with her. You had so many questions, but the sea of people also exited at that point and you quickly lost sight of her.

Instead, you sat down on a bench for a rest. You stared at the phone in your hands, the bright screen illuminating the one name you'd been hoping to get.

Mina.. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

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