like crazy²; c.ty

586 32 10

Neutral Reader

I probably forgot to mention that you were a top student. By that, I mean that you often get good grades, though that doesn't mean you don't get scolded. In fact, you probably ran through the hallways more times than the teachers could forgive, and you'd had your fair share of detentions (which, by the way, were because of your friends).

But the most reckless thing you've done was probably that night. You knew you didn't think it through, knew you didn't care about the consequences. It was wrong yet it felt so right.

You stared at the back of Tzuyu's head, wondering how she hadn't noticed yet. The professor's words entered one ear and exited the other, lulling you to sleep, until a hand slammed down on your table and jerked you awake. You looked up only to find someone's hair whipping out of sight.

Glancing down, you discovered a sticky note, holding the words 'meet me at your locker'.

How did she know which locker was yours?

You roamed through the hallways, trying to avoid bumping into people because most students looked pissed. A foot stuck out from out of nowhere and you almost tripped, until a hand grabbed you by the sleeve and hauled you up. "Hey, you better watch where you're going."

You straightened up, eyes meeting those of Chou Tzuyu's. A small half-smile was on her face, enough to flaunt her dimple but still concealing the lollipop in her mouth. Your eyes lingered on her lips a little longer than they should've, but you looked away. "Yeah?"

"Party at mine tonight, and I was hoping you'd come."

Oh, geez, you thought. Not another damn party.

But you couldn't say no. Not when she was looking at you with those soft brown eyes.

It was wild, to say the least. Music was blaring and abusing your eardrums, people laughed and talked and did random shit, almost breaking the table. When you got there you thought about leaving, but Tzuyu spotted you and dragged you inside.

She led you to a couch, a drink in her hand. She scanned the sea of sweaty partygoers and fixed her gaze on a guy. "He's here. Huh."

You scoffed. It was her ex again. "Yeah. You've gotten back together?"

"Hell, no!" she exclaimed, staring at you incredulously. "I was just wondering what the fuck he was doing here, 'cause I didn't invite him."

She left you after a couple of minutes to 'check on other guests', but she never returned. You glared at the window as if it was its fault you were trapped inside. Glancing here and there, you stood up and walked upstairs, making sure not to bump into anyone again. Honestly, people should be more aware of where they're going.

You entered a bedroom and wondered if you should jump out the window of the second-floor. At least nobody would see you leave, but you thought that they'd discover you on the ground with a broken leg anyway. 

The door opened to reveal the host's tall figure. She strolled towards you and, although she left some space between the two of you, you felt trapped. Not in a bad way, though.

"You're not thinking of leaving, are you?"

You shrugged, glancing out the window once more. "You weren't around."

Tzuyu stared at the open door before turning to face you again. "Do you want to go? I can take you home."

You replied with a nod, smiling thankfully. "I hope this doesn't sound rude but.. please? I've sort of had enough of parties for a while."

She laughed, but you noticed that it was more uneasy than humorous. Shrugging it off, you followed her to the garage, where she opened the door for you and entered it after.

The drive was silent, even more than usual because the radio was off. Her car smelled of mint, but also with a hint of her usual perfume. You smiled at that, making yourself comfortable in the shotgun seat. The moon was nowhere in sight, though the sky was dotted with stars here and there. They seemed to have no difference to the lights on the buildings.

"Goodnight," Tzuyu said, jerking you back to reality. You looked at her curiously before realizing that you were parked right in front of your house.

The lights were all turned off, meaning your family was asleep. It was a good thing your mom had reminded you to take the spare keys.

"Uh, yeah. 'Night," you told her, moving to get out of the car. Before you could push it open, Tzuyu grabbed your wrist.


You obeyed, sitting back down to look at her. Did you forget something? She waited for you to face her fully, before she pulled you closer by the collar and kissed you.

You didn't process the situation until she pulled away. She had a blush on her face, and she avoided your gaze. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," you mumbled in a daze. "Yeah, okay."

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