conversation; i.ny

686 37 16

Female Reader

Im Nayeon.

Im Nayeon, your roommate.

Im Nayeon, your best friend.

And Im Nayeon, the girl who stole your precious chocolate!

"YAH! IM NAYEON!" you screamed, running around your dorm, determined to catch the thief. She was laughing loudly, using her height as an advantage and keeping the last chocolate piece from your reach. 

"Come on, cutie, can't you reach it?" she teased, making you scowl and cross your arms.

"I told you to buy your own~" you whined. Nayeon smirked and quickly unwrapped the chocolate, trapping it between her teeth. "You want it? Come get it."

A pink blush spread across your face. You pushed her off. "Ugh, never mind."

Not only do you hate when she teases you and steals your food, you also hate the way she makes you feel!

She leans her head on your shoulder every time she gets a chance, she whispers sweet words and flirty lines into your ear, she holds your hand and always seems to need to have some sort of physical touch with you, and does everything she can to get your attention.

You remember when she would get jealous when you glance at a person a little too long, saying you've "found a new best friend" or such. You remember when she told you that she wanted you near because that way she could stay still. You remember every single time when you came home after a bad day, immediately greeted with a huge hug. You depend on her for anything you need help with.

She was an amazing listener, and she would always try to find ways to help you. Although she preferred to approach things in a rational way, she always made sure to hear you out first before speaking her mind.

At first you thought it was normal, it was how best friends act, isn't it?

But as you grew up, those sweet words turned seductive, the physical touches were no longer always innocent, and her eyes lingered on you a little longer than they used to.

But you brushed it off.

You watched as the chocolate piece disappeared into her mouth and her tongue ran over her bottom lip, curving up into another smirk. "My eyes are up here, Y/N."


Her melodious laugh entered your ears again. "Ah, whatever." She walked closer. "I like it when you stare at me like that."


The bright moon shyly peeked from behind the gray clouds, softly illuminating your dorm room. You were about to ask Nayeon where she was, but she texted you first.

Im Yeowuh (Yuh)🐰

Today, 8:30 PM

hey, r u up?


oh ok sorry

pabo how am i texting u if im asleep

i'm not a pabo!!!

i just wanted to ask if u wanted to join the party and u treat me like this😔

wait- what party???

yk, the party Jackson invited us to

i dont remember ahsdjdhfjdsg

tsk tsk, u and ur imagination

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