stuck in traffic; i.ny

700 45 6

Neutral Reader

"Thank you for tonight," you say for the nth time that night, your fingers nervously brushing against each other as you stare out the window. You jump in surprise when you feel her hand land on your knee.

Nayeon's eyes were focused on the road, and you couldn't help but stare in awe at how cool she looked, driving single-handedly. Despite your endless teasing about her crashing the car someday, she was the person you trusted the most. "I've already told you, there's no need to mention it."

"But there are better things you could be doing right now," you huff stubbornly, squirming in your seat to face her. Her hand had disappeared, your knee replaced by the gearshift. The streetlamp's light spills on her, shadowing half her face in an alluring way. Her eyes seem to shine brighter than the unseen stars that night, her lips glossier than they usually are.

Or maybe that's just your sleep-deprived mind making things up.

Silence follows, and she takes a U-turn, bringing you a few meters closer to home. It was, what, two in the morning? You'd gone out the night before, wishing for some time alone. You didn't plan on drinking, but you couldn't help but accept the wine offered by the restaurant you'd gone to. Nayeon had asked where you were, and before you could object, she was there, half-carrying you to her car.

Things have been slightly awkward between the two of you since your mutual break-up. The reason was that you two were too busy, but afterwards you realized that maybe you just didn't try hard enough. However, you remained friends, because can you really just move on and forget about someone you've known for three years?

Nayeon speaks again after a few minutes. "Not really. Since we, you know, I've had a lot of free time."

There was something hiding there beneath her words, but your half-drunk mind couldn't figure out what she was hinting at.

You simply hum in response, closing your eyes in hopes of distracting yourself from the weird feeling creeping up your throat.

"I miss it, you know. This. Us."

You don't reply, pretending to be asleep. You hear a faint sigh coming from her. "I know you think so too. That maybe we should've waited to see what happens next. It's been a little lonely without having someone to take care of."

You scoff. "You? Take care of someone? It's more the other way around."

When you opened your eyes again, there was a faint smile playing on her lips, yet she still refused to look back at you. "I knew you were awake."

Groaning, you shift your attention to the green light you slowly approach. A memory surfaces in your mind, back when you and Nayeon were still together. "Do you remember?"

The other girl seems to be distracted, impatiently drumming her fingers on the steering wheel to a silent song. "Hm?"

"We used to kiss under the lights."

She didn't register these words until the lights turned red, the car stopping abruptly and causing you to get a Heimlich Maneuver from the seatbelt. "Geez, Nayeon! Don't kill me."

"Don't say that out of nowhere!"

"Okay, sorry."

Nayeon bites her lip, looking nervous. You notice her picking at the skin on her fingers, so you bring up your own hand to hold hers. "I miss it, too."

She finally holds eye contact with you, her expression quite unsure. "Really?"

"Maybe we really should've tried harder, Yeonie."

You find your hand on her cheek. You lean forward as far as your restricting seatbelt would allow, sighing in relief when your lips finally meet her soft ones.

It was so full of familiarity, of security, of safety, and you would allow yourself to drown in this feeling again, and again, and again. She reassures you that she feels the same by caressing the skin on your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

You would've gone on for as long as your lungs would allow, but you were interrupted by a loud honk.

"Oi, you love birds! Get moving!"

The two of you jump apart and stare at the rear windshield, eyes widening at the sight of a middle-aged man with his fist raised. His scowl deepens when he meets your eyes, his extended finger pointing to the front.

Nayeon hurriedly steps on the gas pedal, turning an immediate right. You sink into your seat, still lightheaded from what had just happened, and you feel the blood rushing to your face.

"Oh, gosh," you mumble, gripping the sides of your seat tightly. "You don't have tinted windows!"

Nayeon lets out a bark of laughter, which eventually evolves into uncontrollable giggles. Upon getting over your embarrassment, you join her, and the rest of the ride is filled with shared jokes about the man's scandalized face.

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