"I Love You."

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"Niall, why are you being like this?" You asked, frustrated.

Niall was currently on tour and you were struggling with the distance, although over the week Niall had been snappy with you each time you talked on the phone.

"Being like what?" He said in an uncaring tone.

"Being snappy all of the time, having a go at me for no reason. Have I done something wrong?" You questioned, trying to think of something you had done or said that could make him like this.

"You haven't done anything, I'm stressed and I miss you and I don't know what else you expect me to say," he sighed, exasperated.

"Couldn't you just talk it out with me like usual?"

"No because this is different." Niall exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"In what way?" You asked, wanting to know what was going on to see if you could help him.

"I'm not telling you, not like this. Not over the phone, when I get back from tour." Niall said.

"Please just tell me what's on your mind, you won't be back for a while and I can tell it's something you want to share." You said, not used to Niall bottling his emotions up.

"You tell me what's on your mind because it frustrates you, I know that, so please let me help you. Talk to me." You continued.

"The boys say it's not much of a big deal and that you will feel the same way back, but I'm just scared." Niall admitted.

"I'm scared of rejection and of loosing you." Niall said, quietly.

"You won't loose me and I won't reject you, please tell me Ni." You reasoned.

"I love you, okay? I really love you and I realised it before I went on tour and now that I'm away from you I love you even more and my feelings are just overtaking me." He explained.

"You don't have to say it back, it's okay, I understand." He added as you sat on your shared bed, shocked.

"Y/N, are you still there?" He called, but you were speechless, you hadn't expected it.

He had said he loved you for the first time and you couldn't describe what you were feeling.

"I'm sorry." Niall whispered, his voice cracking as you heard the phone go off.

You sat there, absolutely speechless, but you knew you had to ring him back.

You quickly dialled his number, him picking up on the second ring.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I love you too, I love you so much and I'm feeling overwhelmed with emotions right now." You explained, happy tears welling in your eyes as you blinked.

"Really? You scared me, you didn't answer me and I thought I'd made a mistake." Niall sighed in relief.

"Yes, I love you, I didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting it." You laughed.

"I wasn't expecting that reaction either, but I'm glad I didn't scare you off." He laughed.

"No you didn't and you wouldn't. I'm too in love with you." You admitted.

"I'm so in love with you too baby and I can't wait to be home." He sighed in happiness.

"I have to go for a rehearsal now, I love you. Bye." Niall said, sounding much more cheery than when you first started talking to him earlier.

"Okay, I love you too. Bye." You said, hanging up the phone.

You smiled, feeling like you had met the guy you had been waiting for.

Niall's selfies though<3

Feedback on this one? :)

Have a good day everyone and to everyone on spring/summer break, depending on where you live, have a good one<3


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