From the bathroom, he asked, "The newer one?"


Apparently, the pharmacy was unable to get the total amount of the exact medicine the hospital prescribed, so I was given a partial supply of it. Then the rest was a different one. I really don't care as long as it keeps the throbbing sting in my ribs from debilitating me completely.

When Sasuke returned, I winced and sat up, accepting his two small pills and taking them with a glass of water before thanking him. His phone began ringing when he sat on the edge of the bed and picked up his controller; he looked at the screen before rolling his eyes and forwarding the call. I didn't have to wonder long who it was because my phone began ringing with Itachi's name popping up.

He gave me a warning look, and I offered an apologetic one in response, clicking the green button, "Hello?"

"Hinata, how are you? Did you receive my flowers?" The older Uchiha brother sent a massive bouquet, much bigger than all the others, to the hospital with a note that said he couldn't visit in person.

"Y-Yes, I did. Thank you. They're beautiful."

Sasuke crawled up beside me, offering a frown. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his mild jealousy.

"Please accept my apologies for not visiting in person. I just got back to Konoha today. How are your injuries?" "U-Um, I'm alright. I only broke a few ribs."

"Only? To my understanding, fractures like that are extremely painful. Is my brother treating you well? He's not making you fend for yourself, is he?"

I glanced at the man in question, who continued to give me an unhappy expression, "He's been great, so please don't worry about either of us. Everything should be completely healed by mid-April."

"That's a relief. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with anything, Hinata. I really mean it. I'll personally come to your aide if need be." Blush rose to my cheeks, but the man continued before I could respond, "And answer your phone when I call you next time, baby brother. Goodbye!"

I returned the farewell before clicking the call to end, trying not to smile at Sasuke's aggravated face, "Y-You know he only does that because he knows it bothers you."

The Uchiha man brought his hands behind his head and laid flat against the pillows, glaring at the ceiling, "He talks to you like that when I'm not around, too, Hyuuga."

My face warmed slightly, "How do you know?"

"He's my brother."

For some reason, his response suddenly struck me as hilarious, and I fell into quiet giggles. Sasuke turned his head to the side to lift a confused eyebrow at me, making me laugh harder. A pained sound mixed into it as my ribs began to hurt, and I sat up in an attempt to alleviate some of it, still trying to get it together.

"What's gotten into you?"

I brought a hand to cover my mouth, somehow managing between giggles, "Please stop talking! You're making it worse!"

He was silent momentarily before wordlessly getting up and walking into the bathroom. When he reappeared, an extremely amused smirk was on his face, "I gave you too much. You're high as hell right now."

Ah, the new medicine must be a higher dosage, meaning I was only supposed to take one pill, but I took two. After a minute, I could finally stop laughing, but I still felt incredibly woozy.

Maybe an hour passed, him returning to his game, and me lazily browsing social media on my phone, barely half-awake in my drugged state. Suddenly, a strong need came over me, "Sasuke!"

He jumped slightly at my outburst, pausing the screen to look at me with concerned eyes. "Sasuke, I really want ice cream."

"Fuck, what are you, pregnant or something?" His irritated response put me into a fit of giggles again, and I rolled onto my side, clutching my middle and burying my face into the pillow to muffle it.

Despite his tone, he immediately got up and went downstairs. Almost twenty minutes passed before he finally returned to hand me a pint of mint chip and a spoon.

I sat up with a blush, "D-Did you go get it? You didn't have to do that! I thought we had some here."

He rolled his eyes and resumed his game, "Gaara bought it."

Ah, if Gaara's the one who bought the ice cream in the freezer, it's definitely something crazy like triple chocolate with an extra dose of more chocolate.

"'re the sweetest, you know that?"

He gave me a sharp, annoyed glare before refocusing on his game, "That medicine's got you fucked up."

Mint-chip is his and my favorite flavor, a fact we found out pretty early on after meeting. The fact that he remembered and went as far as leaving to get it for me because I'm high and have a sweet tooth makes me as giddy as can be. He tries so hard to come off as a bad boy, but in reality, he's such a good guy.

"Will you split it with me? I want you to have half."

I moved the blanket off me, and he moved to stop me, "Don't-!" He firmly yet gently guided me back under the covers, gaze dark and challenging, "Don't get up, idiot."

I held a spoonful of the delicious dessert, "Eat it then."

The slightest hint of pink dusted his cheeks as he let me feed him the bite of ice cream, making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"We just had an indirect kiss, you know," I teased him.

His eyes narrowed, and then suddenly, his lips were pressed to mine, making me squeak in surprise. When he pulled away, he gave me a firm look, "Shut up and eat your ice cream."

-Sakura's POV-

It wasn't a dream. Gaara and I actually did it last night, and it was terrific. It was absolutely lovely. It's morning now, and he's still asleep, but I'm not about to wake him. Not when his sleeping face is this cute.

He's on his side, facing me, with one arm under my pillow and the other loosely over my side. We're both still completely naked. I can even see my abandoned bra down near our feet. Heat rose to my face as I dared to press my hand against his abdomen, feeling relieved when he didn't stir.

God, he's so much sexier than I thought he'd be without those loosely-fitting clothes hiding his body. Last night, it was made not-so-subtly clear that he likes to be touched, too, so I've indeed hit the jackpot.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever come close to those beautiful eyes, though. The way he looked at me last night...It's like I fell in love all over again. Gaara was so attentive, so worried he'd hurt me the entire time. It would've been easy for him to get lost in the moment, but he didn't allow it to happen.

I hope he knows how much I appreciate all he's done for me, all he's doing. If I didn't know they'd tease me 'til the day I die, I'd thank his siblings for raising him to be such a fantastic person.

Last felt way better than I thought it would. Now that I can handle those situations, I want to do it again. Did he like it too? Was it as good for him as it was for me? I hope so. It's no fun if only one of us likes it.

As if thinking about him made it happen, Gaara stirred. Those teal eyes crept open, foggy with sleep one second and then clear and at attention the next. A blush dusted my face, "G'morning." I moved my hand around his side to wrap my arm around him.

He smiled, a vision of cuteness, "Good morning."

Oh. His voice is all low and raspy because he just woke up. That's nice, honestly.

"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you last night, did I?"

I shook my head, my free hand lifting to his chest, "Last night was amazing."

His complexion began to match mine, and he nodded, "Yes, it was."

We just stared at one another's faces for a few moments before my giddiness became too much, and I buried my face in his chest, wiggling my toes as I squealed quietly. He chuckled, arms wrapping around me.

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