Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask

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I was walking home from school, passing by our mailbox before I paused in my steps. I turned back to the mailbox, noticing the note sticking out of it. I reached out and grabbed it, seeing my name on the envelope and tilted my head, "What's this?" I flipped it over, gasping as I read the bottom multiple times, "It's from Tuxedo Mask! But how...?"

I looked around the area before quickly heading inside, taking off my shoes and running straight upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and ripped open the envelope, reading the note, ""I love you more than anything else. Please come meet me at the MS Mall in Shinjuku tomorrow night.""

I squealed quietly and fell back on my bed, hugging the note to my chest tightly. Luna stared at me, being the voice of reason, "Why would Tuxedo Mask send you a love letter?"

I didn't reply, just lifted up the letter to read it again. Luna sighed, laying down beside me, "How does he even know you're Sailor Moon? Something's not right, Usagi."

I stared at the words on the page as I replied, "I...I know Luna. But it has to be him, right? I mean, there is only one Tuxedo Mask. Maybe he put the clues together or something."

Luna sighed, "Well, Tuxedo Mask is always helping you out, but we still don't know if he's a friend or foe. We need to be cautious."

I clutched the letter to my chest with a long sigh, not replying to Luna as I wondered if this letter was truly sent by Tuxedo Mask. I mean, it has to be, right?


I sat at my desk, eyes widen as I gasped, "No way!"

Maru walked over to me, holding the exact same letter as everyone else, saying, "Nope. I also got a love letter from a guy called Tuxedo Mask."

A girl behind me chimed in, "I did too!"

"And me too!"
"So did I!"

Naru looked back at the rest of the girls, asking, "But who exactly is Tuxedo Mask?"

Everyone shook their heads and I looked down at my desk, tears filling my eyes but I refused to let them drop. This has to be mistake, he couldn't have written a love letter to every girl in school. I sniffled, quickly blinking away my tears as Ms. Haruna walked in the classroom. She smiled at us, "Everyone, don't be distracted by the love letter pranks. Remember, a woman must not be so easily swayed. Is that clear?"

All the girls, except me, replied with smiles, "Yes, Ms. Haruna!"

Ms. Haruna continued, "Those letters might be from a bad person out to trick you. So, make sure to stay away from the MS Mall in Shinjuku. Got it?"

All the girls, minus me, replied in unison once again, "Yes, Ms. Haruna!"

She smiled at us all, "Very well."

She began her lesson and I could barely pay attention, thinking about Tuxedo Mask and this stupid love letter. I thought we had something, a connection. I mean, he's been helping/saving me since I became Sailor Moon, he leaves me roses after disappearing before I could thank him. I jumped when the bell rang and I quickly gathered my things, walking out of the classroom to think some more.


I was walking home alone, clutching the letter in my hands as thoughts swirled around my head. I wiped away the tears that kept escaping my eyes, sniffling as I tried to hold them in until I got home. I still couldn't understand why he sent this letter to every girl, doesn't he know that I'm Sailor Moon? The girl who mourned and avenged his "death" during that fight against Jadeite. The girl who wants to fight crime with him, side-by-side for as long as we can. The girl he saves from the Dark Kingdom and leaves roses for her to find. I looked down at the letter again, anger starting to fill my veins as I reread then words on the paper. Is this what Tuxedo Mask does? Saves every girl, makes her fall in love with him, and sends her and all the girls in town a love letter, breaking her heart. I huffed, taking the paper and ripping it to shreds, throwing the scraps into the trash. When I turned away from the trash, I bumped into someone and sniffled as I quickly spoke, "I am so sorry."

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