𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘


There are only a few moments in my life when I realized how in love I was with Sofia Moor.

The first one was I was ten, she was eight and playing soccer with my brother in the backyard, she noticed me sitting by myself while my brother entertained the rest of his friends. I could tell I always made her nervous, but mom had asked me to watch over them for a few minutes while she prepared a snack. Sofia walked up to me, her green eyes sparkling in the sunlight and kneeled down on the grass two steps below me.

"Where are your friends?" She asked, playing with the pleated skirt her mother made her wear, she always hated wearing them.

"It's Logans turn to have friends over," I shrugged, mom didn't like us having too many young kids over, it got too overwhelming. "I'm surprised you noticed I was by myself little devil." The nickname I gave her rolled off my tongue with ease, she earned when she was seven, laughing as she jumped off the trampoline and into the pool, missing the concrete by centimeters.

A blush appeared against her cheeks, a small shrug following suit, "I always notice you," Logan called for her, Sofia slowly raising to her feet, smiling softly at me, "you're the first person I notice when I go somewhere."

With that she ran away.

The second moment was when she was fifteen, and I was seventeen, we all attended the same parties. Sofia, Logan, and I. They never arrived with me but we were always around each other, orbiting beside each other. I had looked over at Sofia, something I always did subconsciously and saw Logan screaming at her, green eyes filling with tears. When Logan disappeared, I whisked her away to the water tower, showing her the small slice of heaven in our little town.

"Steve," Sofia looked up at me as I climbed the water tower, her heels on the ground beside her, "are you insane? This thing is going to collapse."

"C'mon little devil," I held my hand out for her, watching an exasperated breath leave her lips when she took it, allowing me to hoist her up and guide her on the broken ladder, "it'll be worth it I promise."

When I got her onto the landing, she gasped looking out at the view. The tops of the trees were below us, the stars felt like they were in reach, the moon shone in the ripples of the lake looked like a painting. But my eyes stayed on Sofia as she walked in front of me, her eyes never leaving the picture in front of her, "it's beautiful," she placed her hands on the railing and I could see all the tension of the night leave her shoulders.

"It is, so very beautiful," she wouldn't know it then, but I wasn't talking about the stars, or the trees, or the moon. I was talking about the girl in front of me. With the wavy blonde hair, the pretty green eyes, and with the dusting of freckles she tried to hide but I loved to see under her blush so much. Sofia was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen.

"Thank you," my eyes trailed back up to her eyes when she spoke, and it was only then that I realized I had moved closer to her, caging her in between me and the banister, "thank you for bringing me here."

I smiled, leaning down to press the softest of kisses to her forehead, "anything for you little devil.

The third moment was the day of her eighteenth birthday, I was meant to go out on the lake with some friends, we were going to take Mickey's boat.

"Steve please," Logan pleaded, while Sofia just sat calmly in the back of his truck, "it's Sofia's birthday, all I'm asking is that you drive the boat for a bit for us."

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