𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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It had been three days since I arrived in the city and I hadn't seen Steve once.

I'm not sure if I was happy or sad about it, but all I knew was that I was able to keep my guard down with Julianna around, they wouldn't bother me with Mickey's little sister staying in my place. No one wanted to torment the senators granddaughter. It was a rainy day as I walked down the street, my backpack slung over one shoulder full of the books I had purchased for my classes that started in a week, the droplets falling in front of me as I approached the door to the lobby.

A security guard smiled at me, nodding before he pulled the door open and I stepped into the extravagant lobby.

Marble tiles covered the floor, gold chandeliers hung from the ceiling with crystals forming rainbows against the walls. I still hadn't gotten used to this being my home. "Good afternoon Miss Moor," the man behind the desk spoke, my attention falling on him as I wiped my feet on the mat. His name was Alexander, he had been the first person I met with Julianna when I arrived at the building, a little older than me and going to Sunbury State as well. Working here allowed him to live in the building while he attended classes. The Roger parents were always generous, their sons not so much.

"Good afternoon Alexander," I smiled, crossing the short distance until I was in front of his desk, "busy day?"

"About as busy as one can be working as a receptionist in a building for the rich elite," he teased and then suddenly remembered who he was talking to, "sorry, no offense."

"None taken," peering over the top of the counter I could see his environmental science book beside him, "who's your professor?"

"Gray, why do you ask?"

I smiled, pulling my bag around and taking out the syllabus for the same class, "me too, maybe you can help me with making sure I filled out all the paper work right? My counselor isn't available until after classes start. You won't get in trouble, I'll tell Mr. and Mrs. Rogers."

He didn't hesitate, standing up and walking into the small office to the right, the door opening seconds later, "I don't mind at all, come on in."

The office was small, a tiny cot rested in the corner and on one wall there was a tv with a small kitchenette below it. "Do you live in here?" I asked as he pulled the backpack off my shoulder, placing it in the corner of the room.

"Perks of the job," a small smile as he walked back towards the reception desk, "I have to stay out here so grab the paper work and we can go over it out here."

I nodded, pulling my phone out of my back pocket and texting Mrs. Rogers that I was behind the desk getting help from Alexander, she replied almost instantly telling me that I never had to alert her, she was okay with anything relating to my schooling. Once I put my phone away I kneeled down to my backpack, pulling the zipper down and grabbing my textbook that held the papers in between the pages. Joining Alexander behind the desk, I sat beside him, our shoulders touching while he pulled the papers out to go over them.

Alexander was one of the kindest people I had ever met, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, freckles lined his cheeks. He treated me as a normal person, not an American royal. It was one of the first things I appreciated about him, and he had quickly become one of my friends. His eyes scanned the papers, only looking up to greet people as they entered the building, then returning to the paperwork. "Everything looks good," Alexander smiled, sliding it back over to me, "if you want I can walk you to the classroom on Monday," his friendly smile sent goosebumps up my spine, "it might be nice to have a friendly face on campus."

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