𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Curtis and I were sitting on my bed with Sofia's phone connected to my laptop when Bucky and Mickey walked into my room.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Curtis asked, bringing his eyes up to where the two leaned against the desk, "we spent hours looking for you."

"Dad needed me last night," Mickey shrugged, kicking his shoes off, "I had Sofia give me a ride back to town and then I told you guys I had the brunch to attend, I've let dad down a lot recently, I had to do something to get him off my dick."

My eyebrow arched at the mention of Sofia's name, finally looking up at Mickey, watching his fingers twirl the golden singlet ring around his pinky. "Do you happen to know where the fuck she went, we've been looking for her all night, if mom asks me one more fucking time where she is I might lose my mind."

It was a lie, after Curtis and Bucky left last night, I went straight to bed, ignoring the ache that set below my belt line and dreaming of the day that I finally had Sofia all to myself. I think in reality, my mom was just happy last night when I walked through the door with Logan that we weren't fighting. She questioned why I had another phone for a moment but both Logan and I played it off as I got a phone just for my team messages. It was the one time Logan and I actually worked together to save our asses.

"She drove off out of town," Mickey shrugged, "she didn't mention where she was going."

I decided not to press him, I wouldn't doubt Sofia giving him a ride into town. He was the only one she wasn't terrified of. She always acted like she had something over him, although none of us knew what it was. Sofia had proven multiple times last night that if she didn't want to be found, she wasn't going to be. The only reason I had found her was because I knew exactly where she would go, it was once the only safe space for her, but just like always Logan had to taint that spot for the both of us. Shaking my head, I returned to my laptop, scrolling through the endless texts that she had. I was invading her privacy, but she should know by now that I couldn't give a fuck, she couldn't hide anything from me.

Everytime I saw a guys name pop up in her messages, my stomach twisted. I hated it.

I hated how much I wanted to end every single one of them. But I couldn't help it. I needed her.

"Sofia's phone?" Bucky questioned, crossing the room to sit at the foot of my bed, tapping the screen to see Sofia's lock screen, a picture of her and Logan appearing. "God she's either extremely obsessed with him, or he forces her to be obsessed with him." Bucky added.

He didn't like Logan, but he hated Sofia more. He made that clear.

"They're both fuckin' obsessed with each other," I stated, turning the screen around to show Mickey and Bucky the hundreds of texts they shared on a daily basis, "I'm honestly surprised at this point they haven't fucked with the way they're so up each others asses, and they'll be attending that fucking charity gala this weekend together according to the messages."

I noticed the way Mickey's shoulders tensed before he forced them to relax. Weird.

"I can already see the headlines," Bucky dramatically stretched his hands apart in the air in front of him, "Sofia Moor and Logan Rogers attend the 154th Lakes Children's Hospital together, is this a hint at wedding bells or are they still claiming to be just friends."

Curtis snickered while I let out a low laugh. Every month the headlines are the fuckin same. "Maybe they keep thinking the more they say it, it'll become real."

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