𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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Steves arm had me pinned to the mattress.

The sun had started to peek in through the sheer blinds, casting a gold glow in the room. I turned my head to the left, where Steve rested on his stomach, his eyes closed and soft breaths leaving his lips as he faced me. He looked peaceful and completely at ease. In all the years of me knowing the Rogers, I've never seen either of them look so completely calm, so completely safe. I couldn't help myself, slipping my hand up from between our bare bodies, running my fingers against the five o'clock shadow that had appeared.

His blue eyes fluttered open, bringing me closer to his body, nuzzling his head into my neck. "Go back to sleep Sofia," I smiled as his breath caressed my neck, "it's still early."

His lips closed against my neck, kissing the juncture where my shoulder and throat met, goosebumps erupting against my skin. That was a first. I hadn't been with many people, Logan was keen on making sure I never was left alone with another male, but with the few I had been with, no one had made me have that reaction. "I'm not sleepy," I whispered, watching as he shifted his body, laying his head on my chest, my fingers instantly sunk into his gold strands, his body shuddering when my nails scratched lightly on his scalp. Turning his head, he pressed a kiss to the center of my chest, before returning back to just laying on me, strong arms squeezing my torso tighter.

Minutes passed, Steve's soft snores filling the room once more, the sun heating my body from it's place hitting the blankets. I had never felt so much peace in my life. And I know I should be mad at Steve for him making me be in a marriage I wasn't ready to be in, for taking away my right of choosing. But instead I felt safe, I felt wanted, something I hadn't felt in so long. For years I was used as my fathers pawn, my freedoms being dangled over my head when I wouldn't do what he wanted me to. But two years ago Steve took me along with him on a night that shaped my life differently, and here he was shaping my life once more.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing on the nightstand, Elena's name lighting up the screen.


"You and Steve need to come down to Mickeys room right now," she sounded breathless, my eyebrows furrowing as I listened to her frantic words, "its about Logan and Bucky."

I felt my entire body tense up and Steve did too because it brought him out of his slumber, tilting his head back to look at me, brows furrowed in concern. "We'll be right there."

"Baby what's going on?" Steve pushed up on the mattress, watching me as I scrambled to pull on his shirt, the worst case scenarios playing through my head. What if Logan was kidnapped, what if Bucky was hurt? I didn't necessarily like either of them right now, but I didn't want anything to happen to them. I was pulling on a pair of shorts when the warmth of Steve's chest pressed into me from behind, his hands spreading against my stomach, forcing me to stay against him. "Take a deep breath," I closed my eyes, following his instruction, the fear simmering into something like worry, "now, I need you to tell me what's happening, what has you panicking like this."

"Elena just called," Steve's lips pressed into the back of my head, further soothing my racing heart, "she said we needed to get to Mickeys room, somethings going on with Logan and Bucky."

"We'll go see what's happening," Steve's voice was smooth as he stepped away from me, moving to pull on some sweats and a shirt, "after we have to get back to the city, I have a meeting tonight with the Stingrays and you start classes tomorrow."

Class, I forgot all about them.

"Okay," my voice was shaky, if Logan was hurt, I would blame myself, and Steve knew it too because he crossed the room quickly, lifting me up so my legs were around his hips and just held me in the center of the room. "I should've just forgiven him."

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