𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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*Steve and his Entourage are assholes just a fair warning*

As the steeple rose over the clouds, so did the bile in my throat.

I hadn't been here since that night two years ago. The chapel wasn't intimidating during the day, but when the sun set and cast the mountains in darkness, something inside that abandoned church came to life. Fear settled at the base of my spine, a lovely reminder that I was still as scared of the man next to me tonight that I was two years ago when they drug me up this hill and incinerated fear in me. A chill settled into my bones that I couldn't blame on the autumn air.

Because I wasn't cold, I was scared.

Bucky's whistle as we all came to a stop forced my spine to straighten, goosebumps rising on my skin as Mickey, Curtis and him surrounded my car. Suddenly everyone else was silent, I was their prey, anyone could see that. "You want to make a fool out of me?" I asked quietly, my voice barely a whisper under the leaves rustling. Mickey's laugh drew my attention over to him, his eyes scanning me up and down, assessing me.

"No of course not little devil," Curtis' gruff drawl made my stomach lurch, panic settling at the base and working its way up, "we want you to show those amateurs you call your friends how it's done."

I gasped as Steve grabbed my arm, sliding the sweatshirt up to reveal the scar that ran up the interior of my forearm, only the five of us knew how I got it. "You remember the woods around here fia? You remember how to get through them before one of us catches you?" Steve's questioning tone set realization alive in my brain, a sharp breath being pulled into my lungs as he ran his finger along the scar, my body shivering at his touch. I knew what was going to come, I was the game, they were here to show that no matter who comes after their title, they were always the Phantoms.


I don't know where the voice came from, or who it came from. I didn't care. Yanking my arm away from Steve I gripped the roll bar of the jeep, hauling myself over the front windshield, landing on the ground hard. I could feel the eyes on me as the Phantoms stood in a line against my car, their masks on. "Sofia," Logans voice was distant, urgency in his words as Steve stepped forward, his eyes crinkling to reveal his smirk under the mask. "Run Sofia," he didn't falter my steps, but when Bucky and Curtis stepped forward I immediately stepped back, "you wouldn't want them to catch you."

I don't know what forced my legs to move, maybe it was the cruel grin Bucky sent me, maybe it was all the eyes on me, or maybe it was my fear finally catching up to me.

I heard the chaos erupt behind me as I slid under the brush covering the entrance to the forest, Logan screaming for Steve and Mickey to let him go, sticks ripped my skin open, blood droplets sliding down my legs. I could hear boots hitting the ground after me, the erratic thump of my heart making me feel like I wanted to throw up. I didn't want to come back to this church, I didn't want to relive the night, but here I was, running from them like I did two years ago.

The moonlight flittered in through the rustling leaves, a silver glow lighting the path I ran down. Tears blurred my vision, my arms shielding my face as I pushed through more brush. I had to remember the path, where the bends and curves were. I had to remember what tree to grab to get over the rotting stump that lead to the open clearing. Fingers curved around the hanging branch, launching myself over the log.

Midair I felt the cold metal arm wrap around my waist, my eyes closing as I braced for impact.

I yelled out when Bucky launched me into the ground, sliding across the opening before flipping onto my back. "You were quick little devil," rolling my head to the side I saw Bucky's cruel smirk, boots hitting the ground as he approached me, leafs crunching with every step. I could feel the rocks digging into my back, energy spent from running through the woods. The screams in the distance told me all I needed to know. Everyone was enjoying this game.

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