𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘


Music blared in Steve's G-Wagon as he pulled into the abandoned housing development on the edge of town.

The very development that my father had purchased just two days prior.

Lead settled in my stomach as I curled into the sweatshirt Curtis threw me, I should've just fought to stay home, I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be in a position where I was going to regret what I was doing. "Go get the matches and the lighter fluid from the back," Steve commanded as he tossed the car into park, the doors opening immediately after. All but mine. I couldn't do it, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to be at home watching a movie with my mother. Steve noticed that I didn't move to get out of the car, playing with the sleeves, "go on, give me a minute."

I sunk into the seat as Steve rounded the car, opening the passenger seat and extending his hand for me, "I don't want to."

A sigh left Steve's lips, moving so he had me pinned against the seat in the car. "Sofia, you have been shoved into a box your entire life, get out a live a little bit, you're not going to get in trouble tonight, break the law, have some fun."

"My dad just bought this development Steve, he's about to remodel these houses because their foundations are good," Steve looked over his shoulder where Bucky had broken down a door, his friends entering, "please don't make me."

"Fine sit in the car," Steve shrugged, pulling back out of my space, "if you're still in the car by the time I reach the porch, after we're done I'll turn around and take you home, if you come, then you're with us for the rest of the night, you have thirty seconds to decide." He didn't shut the door, he just stepped back, walking towards his friends while pulling the mask over his head. And the curiosity was winning, the Phantoms would never let anyone know I was with them, I would be protected, Steve was right I wanted to live a little, break out of the box that I was stuck in.

He was inches from the porch before I slipped out of the car, shutting the door behind me and crossing the lawn, white shoes being stained green as Steve stuck his hand out, my fingers locking with his. "You're mine tonight Sofia, no one will touch you, no one will hurt you, you're completely safe." And for some reason, I believed every word he said. His fingers squeezed mine before he stopped abruptly, turning to tug the hood up over his head, "stay beside me okay?"

I nodded, keeping my head down before I stepped up into the house.

The smell of molding wood hit Steve and I like a brick wall as we entered the space, both of us recoiling, my head was spinning while he brought me into his side. "Buck, Mick, Curtis?" Steve was calling as we climbed over broken floorboards and shattered drywall. Steve would climb over one, only to turn and lift me over the items I wouldn't be able to clear on my own.

"Over here, we're ready to light when you get here!" Bucky called as we rounded into the space that would be the living room.

"Good to see you kid," Curtis chuckled, throwing his arm around my shoulder and bringing me into his side, ignoring the glare that Steve shot him when my hand slipped from his, "what do you guys say we let Sofia do the honors? See if she's strong enough to hang with the Phantoms tonight before her true test?"

My eyebrows furrowed, tilting my head back to look at Curtis and immediately regretting it when his wolfish smile crossed his lips. "What do you say Sofia?" My attention was brought over to Bucky who was holding out a lighter for me, "think you can run with the boys tonight?"

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