𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Remember when I said my life had become more of a madhouse? Well, I didn't think it could get much worse.

I was wrong, it could get so much worse. The second that word got out that Sofia had been found, photographers were surrounding the park, cops doing their best to keep her shielded, while I held her against me in the gazebo. She wasn't letting go, it was like she wanted to crawl inside my skin, and honestly, if it was possible, I would've let her, I would've done anything to get us out of the fucking mess Bucky put us in.

My hands were on either side of her head, covering her ears from the constant screams for her attention, her forehead was pressed against my chest, and my chin was on the top of her head. Sofia had her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and I knew that Officer Hill needed her to go with him, to get a proper statement at the station, but he was also being patient, Sofia had always composed herself in public, she never let people see her vulnerable, so this was all new territory for the everyone.

I jumped when a pair of hands slapped my shoulders, Sofia just squeezing me tighter when I looked over my shoulder, surprise covering my features when Riley, Matt, and the rest of the team appeared behind him, our friends in tow, Sofia's mother and father close behind. "Sofia," I whispered, pressing my lips to her forehead, her nails digging into my back through the thin workout top, "Baby, look at me." Green eyes blinked as she pulled her head back, reaching up for my face. I let her guide my lips to hers, pressing several short kisses to hers before I ran my thumb against her cheekbone. "Your mom and dad are here," she looked over my shoulder, past everyone else, and zeroed in on her father. "Go baby girl," that's all it took, she shook off the blanket and ran down the stairs, crashing into her father's arms.

I had never known Ethan Moor to be an overly emotional man, but I watched as he sunk to the ground with his only daughter in his arms, he held the back of her head and sobbed into her shoulder.

"She okay?" Riley questioned, pulling my attention away from where Sofia was shaking with her own cries, Curtis and Mickey coming to stand beside me.

"Yeah," I felt all the tension leave me with that short answer, "shaken up, tired, but she's okay, it doesn't look like anything happened to her, it was only a day and a few hours, Sofia's a strong girl," Curtis blew a small laugh out of his mouth, you can say that again, being mumbled under his breath, "Bucky scares her though, he always has."

"Mr. and Mrs. Rogers." Officer Hill announced, Sofia and I both looked over to him, stepping in his direction when he nodded toward his police car. I swung my arm around Sofia's shoulders, pulling her into my side when we crossed the park, standing in front of his vehicle, being blinded by the red and blue flashing lights. "Sofia, I know this is a lot for you, but I need you to come to the station to give a statement," Sofia looked at me, her eyes screaming for the comfort she so desperately needed, so I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, "we have your lawyer waiting for you at the station, but we can only have one other person with you in the room." Sofia looked over at me and then back to her father, her lip being pulled in between her teeth.

"Take your father, baby," I whispered, pressing my lips to her ear, whistling when I pulled away to get Ethan over here, "he'll know the process better."

She nodded, gripping my hand tightly when I went to walk away, looking over her shoulder to make sure Officer Hill and her father were already in the car, "Saint Michaels, they should still be there, they came up the back road," she squeezed my hand, "just don't kill them."

"I'll be back," I wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her to capture her mouth against mine, "I'll pick you up from the station."

I opened the backdoor of the cruiser for her, squeezing her hand once more before I was shutting the door, turned on my heel, and walked to where Curtis and Mickey were standing with the team.

𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝 | 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora