Rimuru x Danmachi Part 2

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Tatsumi: (what in the name of Veldanava are they doing ) .

As he was thinking that, he accidently made noise alerting the group .

Tatsumi: oh sh*** .

Hooded man: intruder ! 

Hooded woman: it's the rising star ! get them him !

Hooded man2: we can't let the ritual be stooped .

They attacked him, but he was ready for them, as he swiftly dodged their attack, swinging his sword cutting them one by one, then he made horrizen slash taking out a few men, and when the female mage tried to hit him with their magic, but he jumped back to avoid it, the he launched himself like an arrow, using a move he learned from Jean, he stroked one of the females, then moved to strike the others .

Just as he relaxed thinking he took out all the enemies, a giant hooded man came from behind and was going to get him, but he thrown away by a mighty force, and it Tamamo cat, who came and pounch the hell out the giant .

Tamamo: mooo how many times did we have to tell, always watch your back even if the fight seems to over .

Tatsumi: heheh sorry, and thanks Tamamo .

Tamamo: honestly . . .so what's the deal with those hooded people?

Tatsumi: I dunno, they were doing some strange ritual, and chanting in some unknown language and throwing some bones .

Tamamo cat: creepy, well good thing we . . .

Before she could finish, a circle appears, and the dead hooded people disappeared as well as the bones and before they know it a giant skeleton of three headed horse with wings and a long tail with big axe on it's end .

Tatsumi: oh man looks like their ritual was a monster summoning outside the dungeon .

Tamamo cat: no matter right now, lets finish this thing off .

???: allow me then . . .

A red light came and destroyed the monster .

Tatsumi: wha ?!

???: fufufufu so easy .

a woman appears .

???: nice to meet you youngsters I'm Diao Cahn

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

???: nice to meet you youngsters I'm Diao Cahn .

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For those who are carious, she's from a mobile game called light in chaos: sengoku heroes, and yes it's a hack and slash game with the characters are from the three kingdoms ( you know Wu, wei and Shu ) with some original one here and there .

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Tatsumi: um . . I'm Tatsumi and this's Tamamo cat, nice you meet you .

Diao Chan: oh the rising star and the fox? cat girl, how interesting, well as much as I want to chat with cute youngsters but I will have to go bye~ 

in flash of red light she disappeared s 

Tamamo: what was that all about .

Tatsumi: I have no idea . . .but oh well the monster is gone, and the group is dealt with, so lets return .

Tamamo: *shrugs* .

As they return, they were right on time the their friend came back . . .although . . .

they noticed a VERY annoyed Ana, and half frozen Bate, one look and anyone could guess what happened .

Loki: um . . . 

Ana: not . a . single . word . 

The empress of ice said coldly as she moved further leaving everyone .

Reveria: thank you for your help sir Rimuru, and I deeply apologies for Bate's actions .

Rimuru: it's ok, at the case was done for now . .. *sigh* if would excuse me, I will go calm our member .

the demon lord follows after his teammate, while the Loki left for their home .

Later that day the girls scolding Tatsumi for action, but being the soft sister they are, they forgive him, but told him to be careful next time, as for Rimuru and Ana . . . 

He calmed the empress down, by turning into his slime form and get into her lap letting her pat him, in no time at all, her mood gets better, and we see smiling in content .

Ana: ah I could stay like this all day .

Rimuru: glad you like it .

Ana: yes . . .thank you Rimuru darling .

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Annnnnnd cut . . .here's a little bonus:

Otter: it's over you can't win .

Veldora: gahahaahahah you underestimate my power peasant !

The "king" tried to finish him but . . .

Veldora: Veldroa killing arts . . . .SHIROYKEN !!

the "king" was thrown to the sky . . but our web dragon wasn't done .

Veldora: and now . . .for the finisher . . .. 

He put his hands together and . . 

Veldroa: FINAL SMASH !!

He fired a huge beam towards the "king" .

Rimuru: that was overkill . . .

Veldora: overkill? what's that? some kind snacks? 

Rimuru: *deadpan* .

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Samxdemon is out    

Slime Tales Of Rimuru TempestHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin