Chapter 86: Grand tour

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Y/n and the others went inside while two soldiers were left behind with Wesker and Maximo. The ones outside still has some business to attend to. Unfinished business. 

Maximo blew a smoke from his cig and eyes the bioweapon in front of him. 

"Well, it seems like my work is done here. Where's the payment you promised?" 

Wesker removed his glasses and folded them, tucked them in between his turtleneck shirt. With one hand set gently on his side, Wesker reached with his other behind his back to grab for something in his pockets. 

"Truly pathetic creatures." He whispers under his breath. 

"What didja say? Creatures or something-" 

Maximo took one last puff of his cig before the sound of a gunshot came off as he stared wide-eyed at the person who just fired straight between his eyes. The duke let out a quiet yelp when Maximo's lifeless body met the cobblestone floors as he made a pool with his own blood. Then, Wesker turned around. 

"Our hosts would love a gift to quench their thirst. You know what to do." 


We went up the mini stairs with a velvet carpets on it. The bannisters were heavily sculptured down to the last flower and the drapes are full of lace and the whole entrance just feels very royalty. But what caught my attention, was the painting in the middle. A beautiful portrait of three young ladies fashioned in an old Victorian era way. Innocence showed in their emotions and the elegance of their gowns. 

"I'm pretty sure they just stole this from a museum somewhere." 

The doors to our left opened on its own and I saw one of the soldiers carrying Jia walked that way first. It was a long hallway and I can see the walls are clad in gold wallpaper. I ignored it and went closer to the lectern set near the painting. 

Three Daughters. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. 

It says. I'm surprised to see English letters being used here. Weird. Just then, a soldier called out to me and told me to enter through the same door. I didn't let them hold me and walked by myself. I halted midway when I saw a figure standing in the middle of the hallway. By their figure, I assume it's a woman. Her clothing was all black with a black veil over her head, covering her entire face. Her arms are crossed with a creepy ass looking doll tucked in between. 

"Come on, move!" Said the soldier. 

I turned back to glare at him and when I looked back, the woman was gone. I walked again and down another set of stairs. Gosh, just how much do they love stairs? Then it was the same old design. Antique furniture and lit candles on top of them, then  couple of statues and paintings of old people hung on the walls. Oh how Timothee would love this kind of interior. If that's still his taste. 

We arrived at a clearing where the walls are now porcelain white. An archway stood to our right and I can see a wide space from here and... stairs. Fucking stairs. We went to that direction and there's a door. Probably another entrance, with a plaque on it with crazy scribbles on it. I don't even wanna know what it means. The soldiers turned and left me right when I turned around to face the stairs leading to the living room, I assume? 

"Why would you leave a girl like me behind? I can run away y'know?" I teased. 

"There's no running away for you, missy!" 

A high pitched voice came from behind me but when I turned, nobody was there. Ok, what the hell is happening? 

"I  hope I don't get diagnosed with schizophrenia by the end of the day." I said to thin air. 

"You look lonely. Where are your friends?" 

Again. It was that same voice. I looked above. Nothing. Even on the second floor. 

A chuckle sounded near me. 

Slowly, I lowered my head and saw the fucking doll standing on its own, staring at me with a wide smile. She laughs like a maniac and tilts her head with amusement. 

"I'm not that small you know? Hihihihi!" 

I don't know if I should be worried or amazed that this is fucking possible. 

"What the.."

"Fuck? HAHAHAHA!" 

I stepped back and the doll scurried away to the stairs where that woman earlier is now standing on top of it. Her arms outstretched for the doll to hop into. Fucking hell. She carries the doll and motions for me to follow her. I hesitated at first but curiosity got the best of me so I followed her. 

My instincts urge me to halt and flee, but where should I go? There is nowhere safe for me to go, and the doors are locked. I'm not even in my own country, for god's sake. I then followed her up the stairs, but as soon as I saw the living room, I froze in place. There is a large, stunning chandelier in the center, a curved stairway to the left, and some sofas to the right of the fireplace. It resembles the rooms from that time period.

I know it's wrong to romanticize my current circumstance, but there's something about this place that makes me feel at ease. Or perhaps I'm being mind-controlled?

The woman kept walking straight till we were at the other end of the room. I'm intrigued about what's on the second story, but I ignored it. I'll save the adventure for later. The door opened on its own, and I realized it wasn't my own doing. But hers.  

She comes to a halt, and her doll peers over her shoulder.

"You're just a guest here! So shh! You don't want to wake up the others!"  Said the doll. 

I gulped hard. What does she mean? We entered a dining room as she continued her walk. A long table in the center with unused dishes, cups, and cutlery with few little flower pots on top. As we drew closer to another door, I could feel cold air seeping through my sweater.

The door opens, and we find ourselves in a courtyard. My gaze is drawn to the gazebo in the center, which has a statue. As usual, an intersection separated the area, and there were plenty fucking stairs.

 She and I both go straight. We passed by the gazebo, and I caught a fleeting glimpse of the statue of three females in unusual poses, one holding a lamp to light the area. Then we moved to the right, where there was another door that appeared similar to the ones we had passed through before. They're the ones with lion knockers.

We entered and everything was as I had anticipated. More steps, please.


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