Chapter 72: Truth

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"What in god's name happened here?" Tyrell opened his window and peeked his head out to take a closer look of the ruins. 

Carpidyem, who's sitting beside Tyrell at the front, did the same thing. 

"Are you sure this is the right place, Carlos? There's nothing but ruble!" She shouted. 

Carlos shook his head. "I'm heading out. You two lovebirds take care, yeah?" 

Carlos opened his door at the back and hopped out, closing it afterwards.  

"Is he mad? Does Chris know about this?" Carpidyem looked at her boyfriend with concern.

Tyrell shrugged. "I bet Chris was the one who set him up." 

Tyrell honked and Carlos turned his head to give them a flying salute before the couple left for good. Carlos sighed as he went for the building with a shotgun in his arms. He double checked the gun to see if it's loaded and proceeded to aim with caution.  Completely unaware of the monster stalking him in the shadows. It was past lunch time when he arrived and the weather doesn't seem to cooperate with him. 

"Send them in." Timothee said through the phone as he watched Carlos enter the building. 

"Yes, sir." A woman replied before hanging up. 

Carlos stopped in his tracks when he heard distant chattering and mumbling. He had hoped he wasn't out of his mind. 

"Am I gonna be dealing with zombies? Or...?" Carlos murmured.

Carlos gazed up at the sky and saw the leaves from the trees falling and landing on top of his head and shoulders. He sighed as he thought about Y/n cursing him in German before he entered Tyrell's car. He averts his eyes down and came eye to eye with a licker on all fours at the very end of the hall. As if it's been staring at him for a long time and he just recently noticed. 

His grip tightened on the shotgun as he took two steps forward. 

Carlos scoffed. "Haven't seen the likes of you in awhile."

The creature stayed put. Opposite from his expectations. He aimed the firearm properly and was ready to shoot when another licker dropped from above and Carlos didn't have time to react as it fell on top of him, almost crushing his body. The shotgun was tossed to the side when Carlos looked so he resorted to kicking the licker off of him. He pulled his legs up and placed them together. As his hands held the licker's claws back, he pushed the licker off with his lower body and rolled over to where his gun is. 

Pumping it, he got on his knees and fired at the one that toppled him. Three shotgun balls flew straight to its head, back and leg. Causing it to flop on the ground  within mere seconds. Carlos got  up and noticed the licker he saw first was gone. 

"What the hell is going on with this place?" Carlos shook his head. 

While Carlos looked around, Timothee was on his way to the ruins. He treaded quietly while wearing his leather gloves. Behind him followed a licker, the third and last one of the batch he'll be using for the match. He passed by the backdoor and hid somewhere dark. The licker scurried away,  enough to make noise that alerted the soldier walking around with a shotgun.

"C'mon, one at a time. Pick a number!" Carlos shouted. 

Kablam! Timothee heard and a heavy object hit the ground with a thud. Carlos grunted as he wiped some blood  off his face and spat on the floor.

"O que você realmente quer que eu faça, Chris?"  Said Carlos. (What do you really want me to do, Chris?)

Before he could react, a  tongue slithered around his arm where the weapon was, snatched it away from him and tossed it in the air. Carlos groaned in pain when the licker did it again but much harder than before, his muscle bulged and turned almost white. With his free hand, he stretched to the back of his camo pants and unsheathed his knife. He raised his hand and was about to strike at the monster squeezing him to death when his body was abruptly restrained and his breath hitched.  

Carlos felt like his body was betraying him each time he tried to move.  Still, the licker remained. In the corner of his eye, he saw a black figure approaching him silently. He managed to tilt his head just enough to get a clear view but his vision was hazy. 

Carlos already had an idea of who it was but he couldn't pin point why the man was doing this.

"Seems like you had a quarrel with my sister." Timothee spoke.

Carlos chuckled internally. 

"How is she?" Timothee asked. With a swipe of his hand, the licker released Carlos's arm from its own tongue and scrambled away.

Carlos was removed from the mind control and he immediately picked up the pace. He thrusted forward with the blade, causing Timothee to back away and pull  his own knife. With one swift move he was in front of Carlos. 

Somewhere around the forests near the encampment.

"You know what's the best thing to do? Grab her and get the hell outta here! Why do we even have to kill him and the sister when what we're after is the kid?"
Maximo said.

"It's Wesker's orders. Finish the two Scarrows and get the girl. It'll make the travel to Europe worthwhile."
Maria explained.

Maximo clicked his tongue and glared at the blonde girl.

" So what's the plan? With Gong Zi gone, how're you gonna do all those things?" He asked with one brow raised.

Maria stared at the distance where several houses are being constructed. Her mind wandered off.

" Great. I'm talking to a fucking tree." Maximo snapped.

" Arias." Maria looked at him." We still have Arias and.."

Maximo laughed." And your over mutated father?"

Maria stood up from the log she was sitting on and pulled out a magnum gun and pressed it straight to Maximo's forehead. Her chest rose up and down while Maximo smiled sheepishly at her.

"Truth hurts, don't it?" He teased menacingly.

Maria gritted her teeth.

"We can't change the past, sadly. But, I'm glad I'm not like you. Neither has its perks but dying normally is better than suffering your whole entire life. Until there's nothing left underneath those layers of skin." Said Maximo.

Maria gently lowered the barrel and closed her eyes as a tear escaped from her left eye. She pondered on the thought as Maximo went to his car and left her alone in the woods.


Midterms just finished that's why I wasn't able to update :)

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon