Chapter 81: Long Night

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Carlos and Wicked were tossed to the side as a body slammed towards the trees not too far from them. Rolling over and over again before hitting a stump. The two gentlemen heard a painful shriek and twigs being crushed into two. Before they could fully process the scene, that same thing came running past them like a mad giant, almost stepping on them.

"Was that..." Wicked followed the thing with his eyes.

"That's her." Carlos confirmed.

Diego stepped back. Half of his tentacles are aimlessly wiggling in the air as he faced his incoming nemesis. Y/n weaved a spear with her arm and as she drew closer, drew back her arm and stabbed him right at the heart. Diego dug his toes on the ground while grabbing the spear with both hands.

They were at the end of the cliff when Y/n pushed him even further until they've hit the edge.

"Shit!" Carlos picked up his gun and sprinted towards that direction.

Wicked followed behind.

"Captain! Y/n and Diego just jumped off the cliff!"

Chris motioned the soldier beside him to drive faster.

" We're coming, Wick. Just stay put until I say so!"

While falling, Y/n held onto the spear and wrapped her legs around it.

"You picked the wrong Scarrow."

With mouth agape, flames burst straight into Diego's face. Incinerating him. Carlos and Wicked stood by the edge and watched as the fire grew bigger and reached up to them, causing them to stumble backwards before it turned into ashes in just a blink of an eye. 

The weave on Y/n's back formed a net big enough for her size and stretched on every corner, grabbing onto whatever it could. The guys from above heard a snapping sound as if someone just plucked a guitar string too hard and a body hurled out into the air. 

Y/n landed gracefully on the ground and as she walked, her size gradually sunk. Trucks arrived at the distance and Chris's voice boomed from Wicked's radio. 

"Bring her here."  Said Chris. 

Before Wicked could reply, Carlos had already gone to Y/n's side and draped his shirt around her and carried her bridal style. 

"Is she breathing?!" Was what Zenya yelled as the others got to them with a stretcher ready.

Carlos placed Y/n down gently and nodded. 

"Captain." Wicked called out to Chris as he eyed the monster below. 

Chris followed the trail and rubbed his nose from the smell of burnt chemicals. 

"Leave it. It's Blue Umbrella's job." 


"It's Y/n." Timothee looked around the laboratory like a lost puppy. 

The bioweapon tossed the pale sheets aside and stood up on his own. Lilith tried to protest and grab him by the wrist but Dr. Park held her back and shook his head. Timothee hurried out, the lickers following behind. 

"Y/n was ok awhile ago, what could possibly happen now?" Lilith stressed out. 

Dr. Park started to pack his things, not wanting to argue anymore. 


"I'll be waiting in the car."  Was what Timothee said when he came back down briefly while adjusting the leather gloves on his hands. 

"I will never understand." I sighed. 

This night is exhausting. Dr. Park patted my shoulder and gave me a small smile before passing by. 

"You'll get used to it, Parker." He reassured me. 

I just gave him a subtle nod before turning the lights off and closing the door behind me. As I climbed up the stairs, my mind wandered to the time. My back is aching from being thrown around and sitting all day, trying to figure out when will this madness stop. Like, give me a break.  

"Are you okay, Lilith?" Dr. Park yelled from afar when I finally reached the kitchen. 

I just gave him a thumbs up and pulled back the counter to cover the entrance to the lab just like before.  I completely forgot about how messy the front was. The living room. As I walked through the dirty carpet, I almost tripped over used bullet shells. Thank God the chandelier didn't fall or something. That would have been very easy to clean up.

Dr. Park opened the passenger's  door for me so I stepped in with ease. Giving him a small smile before he closes the door.  I looked to my side and saw Timothee on his phone. His brows knitted together as he typed on it. I know that look on his face, he's anxious. Oh Y/n I hope you're fine. 

Timothee shoved his phone in one of the compartments between us and hit the gas. My back hit the chair as he sped up on the highway and into the forest. 


"Scarrow!"  Chris yelled over the employees as he spotted the brunette standing in the doorway of the facility. 

"Where is she?" Timothee balled his fists when Chris nodded towards the E.R.

Lilith and Dr.Park followed quietly behind. By the way the nurses and other doctors were panicking to and fro, that uneasy feeling lingered longer in the air. Once they've reached the double doors, Timothee controlled it with his mind and it flew open on its own. 

"Leave us." Chris ordered and everyone dressed in white scurried out of the room. 

Dr. park went around the bed and started tinkering around the devices attached to Y/n's body.  

"Third degree burns. Caused by extreme amounts of acid. What happened out there, Chris?" Dr. Park side eyed the captain as he examined Y/n's limp arm. 

"They were ambushed. Seems to me that this was a planned attacked."  Chris explained. 

"We were attacked in the mansion this afternoon." Lilith added. 

Dr. Park stood up after finalizing everything and patted Chris on the shoulder. 

"I'll meet you three in my office. Then we'll talk. We must not stress the patient unless you want her to transform for the third or probably the fourth time." 

And the doctor left. Chris sighed and turned his body around. Heading for the door. 

"Who was she with?" Timothee crouched beside Y/n's bed and stared at her pale face. 

"Carlos. He's in another room. Passed out. Over fatigue." 

Timothee remained silent so Chris excused himself and left the couple inside. 

"Why didn't you call me?" Timothee solemnly whispered as he brushed a couple of strands of Y/n's hair out of her face. Just like how their mom used to do. 

"Will she be okay?" Lilith asked as she rubbed her hands together and gave the air conditioner a quick glare. 

"Go on ahead Lilith. You can either wait for me in the office or go straight to bed. I'll catch up. You had a long night." Timothee said. 

The redhead nodded and left immediately. 


Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt