Chapter 44: Wake Up

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Anna: Y/n? Y/n. You gotta wake up! Y/n *screech* *screech*

It's cold. My body's sore. I feel like my bed is moving. Gently rocking me like a baby on a cradle. I flutter my eyes open and saw the ceiling with dozens of white strings entangled. Obviously my weave. I looked down and saw my clothes ripped and floating along the water.

Anna: Y/n can you hear me?!

My attention snapped to the radio hanging from the ceiling thanks to my weave. I guess drinking the T-virus straight from the vial has long lasting effects. I once saw Timothee doing it. He downed a whole vial of uroboros.

Ugh. Those squiggly things.

I kneeled and waddled through the water. My legs are limping but I paid no mind. I have to get to that radio. One more mission like this and I'm driving the highway to heaven.

Anna: Is anyone there?

I reached out to grab the item and luckily, my weave lowered it down for me. I never knew I can control it even when I'm asleep. I looked around me and the weave I used to secure the windows and doors carefully vanished into thin air. Also allowing the entrance door to bust open and the water to leave its cage. Along with the scattered body parts of those creatures earlier. There's only one thing I can say about them: Y. U. C. K.

I fell back down to the floor. Shivering. My finger pads are wrinkled. I can barely press on the buttons of the radio. The soles of my feet are flushed pink, my hair's sticking to my neck and I'm sniffing uncontrollably. Hell, I can see my breath in the air.

Anna: Y/n?!!!

"I'm here. I'm here." I laid flat on the floor with my elbow balancing my arm as I gripped the radio with trembling hands.

Anna: Oh thank god! Do you have any idea how worried sick I was?! You were AWOL for hours Y/n!

I balled my eyes, "Oh crud, what time is it?"

I heard a sigh and grunt from the other line.

Anna: It's 10:48 in the evening Y/n!

I never sat up so fast in my whole entire life. I immediately searched for my bag.

Anna: You can't abort this mission, Y/n. Find the crate and get out of there. And if I find out the access key is broken, I'm telling your brother about this. Over and out.



"What's the matter?" Dr. Park adjusted his glasses and scrutinized Diana's condition as she laid there on the hospital bed.

"Earlier, I felt my sides hurt. I can't move properly and my stomach feels... weird." Said Diana as she caressed her tummy.

Dr. Park examined her actions carefully. Like how a good doctor would. The lower part of her stomach has a bump and is getting much toned and harder. As if it's a barrier. Dr. Park pushed his swivel chair using his feet to reach a drawer not too far from Diana's bed.

"If it's stomach problems, are you sure you didn't eat anything bad lately? Maybe you didn't check the date?" Dr. Park pulled something from a rectangular box and pushed his chair back to where Diana is.

Diana was about to speak when she held her throat and her cheeks puffed. Dr. Park was quick to grab a nearby bucket and give it to her before she pukes on the white sheets.

Ok, I think I know what's happening here. Dr. Park sighed.

Diana wiped her mouth with a tissue and got off the bed to set the bucket aside. With her legs flat on the floor, she placed her hands on her knees and breathed in and out. Her ears twitched to the sound of plastic being wrinkled.

Diana looked at Dr. Park's hands and saw him opening a packet with the letters HCG on its upper part.

Dr. Park disposed of the plastic and held the device in front of Diana's face. Diana gulped hard.

"Am I....?" Diana was sweating profusely.

Dr. Park prepared the necessary materials and motioned for her to extend her arm.

" We're about to find out."


Diana ended up falling asleep while Dr. Park and Twilight examined the results. The first injection was successful. But the two doctors couldn't believe their eyes.

"Maybe that's why she's been acting strange lately. Are you sure this is final?" Asked Twilight.

Dr. Park checked the device for God knows how many times already." It's two lines Twilight. Do you want me to run another one?"

Twilight nodded and Dr. Park proceeded to open another pack. He took some of Diana's blood and flicked the device continuously.

"How long do you think?" Dr. Park placed the device on the tabletop as they waited.

"Judging by the size of her tummy, I think it's two months now. She has a petite body so it's not that attention grabbing despite the tight clothes she wears." Twilight answered.

They both turned their heads to the device and sighed of relief. No confirmations needed. The results are the same. Two lines. Completely positive.

Twilight then gently shook Diana until she wakes up. Diana felt comfortable in the warm blankets they gave her and the sincere smiles of the two doctors in front of her.

"How long was I out?" Diana groggily questions.

Twilight caressed her head and answers, "Not too long."

Then Dr. Park hands Twilight the device. Two of them.

Diana felt her heart leap inside her chest when she saw the two lines on the indicator. Overjoyed, she threw her arms around Twilight and Dr. Park. Her smile reaching ear to ear.

"Congratulations, Diana. You're pregnant." Twilight beamed as they broke the hug.

"Who's pregnant?"

Their heads snapped towards the direction of the entrance to the clinic. There stood Chris in his usual demeanor. A cigarette between his lips, his disheveled hair and the all black outfit that enhances his physique.

"Put out the smoke Chris, it's not good for your wife." Said Dr. Park as he and Twilight stepped aside  and Diana came into full view.

Chris put out the smoke with his thumb and threw it in the garbage bin before crouching beside Diana's bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks softly. Taking Diana's hand in his.

"I didn't know. I was busy and... being a mayor... I-"

Twilight butted in. "I suggest you take things easy and pass some of your work to your team sometimes. "

" Is it a girl or a boy?" Chris happily inquired.

" We have to wait until it's three–"

Twilight didn't get to finish his sentence when Chris stood abruptly with his phone in his hand. His expression changed as he reads the caller's ID.

E . W

"Shit. I gotta take this." Chris storms out of the clinic.

Once he got outside, he answered the call.

" What is it now?" Asked Chris.

" This is Ethan. We need to talk."


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