Chapter 45: Prying Eyes

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"We're here. But there's a checkpoint." Jake stepped on the breaks. His eyes wandered around the parking lot of the museum.

The first car is currently undergoing the process that guards do to vehicles. Checking the front, back, upper, lower and sides of the car. After that Honda Civic is a black Ford EcoSport. Then Jake's sports car.

"I think they ask for ID's Jake. Be careful." Sherry's voice boomed from Jake's speaker.

Her words sent Lilith tensed. What if they get caught with a bioweapon? Not just one. But two! Actually three, if you add Sherry. Twilight, who's sitting next to Jake, started shuffling in her shoulder bag. Looking for something.

Timothee noticed the Honda has parked and the EcoSport is next. Jake impatiently tapped against the steering wheel. He already ended the call with Sherry.

"Alright, next!" The guard shouted as the EcoSport drove off and they advanced.

"Shit." Jake looks at the entrance of the museum and saw his girlfriend waving at him.

While accelerating, the two guards lowered their arms to their sides. At the same time! Their faces ceasing to emit an emotion. Twilight saw this and facepalmed herself.

"W-wait, we don't have to- no checkpoints?" Lilith stares at her boyfriend in disbelief.

"I just wanna remind you Lil', your bae is a loose cannon. He moves whenever and however he pleases." Jake wiggles his brows as he eyes Lilith from the mirror.

It's not the first time Lilith saw him controlling people but with many eyes watching? It made her skin crawl. Sometimes she wonders if he has ever tried controlling her before or these past few days. Lilith took deep breaths and just set the matter aside.

Thankfully, there was one spot left and Jake immediately took advantage of it. Can't risk getting caught if you're stuck now, right?

"Jake!" Sherry smiles widely as the redhead walks towards her and gives her a big hug. Even though all she could reach was his waist and mid torso.

Twilight then followed behind.

"Are you okay?" Timothee asks as he opens his door.

Lilith eyes him up and down. "You look like you're gonna kill someone." Don't you have other clothes?

Timothee pokes the insides of his cheeks and looks down. Then back to Lilith's eyes.

"I'll gladly do so if it means protecting you."

Timothee flashes her a quick but sincere smile before closing the door and leaving her behind. Lilith watched him go around the car and walk towards Sherry with his hands behind his back. His ever iconic Umbrella stance.

Lilith lets out a squeak when her right door opened on its own and something pulled her out of the car.

"What the hell--"


Sherry shouted while motioning for her to hurry up. The redhead fixed her outfit and followed the others inside.


Twilight was ecstatic while exploring the museum. After years of being cooped up in the facility, she finally has the luxury to do whatever she wants. Hours before they arrived, she emptied her gallery and is now filling it with pictures of either her beside an exhibit or with the two girls Lilith and Sherry.

Her smile reached ear to ear and she didn't care about the stares she was getting. This was her lucky day and she wouldn't let it go to waste. Plus she finally gets to spend time with Jake. The little boy she used to look after, a full grown up now.

The three walked side by side while Timothee and Jake followed behind. Like two polar opposites; the bubbly polar and the gloomy polar.

Meanwhile, on the second floor near the terrace overlooking the ground floor, hiding inside a storage room...

"Any sign of 'em?" Maximo glances at his Rolex watch and yawns. "We've been here for three fucking hours Maria. They must've gone ahead."

Maria's humming didn't satisfy his question so he grabs the telescope from her and sees for himself. No Bioweapons spotted. Just kids and their parents busy scolding them or chasing them around.

"How much does Wesker pay you, Gomez?" He asks once more. A sly smirk dances across the corner of his cheek when his scope spotted Lilith's head. So far she's the first redhead to pass by.

Maria glares at him. "Why are you even here, Maximo?"

The man lowers the scope and sighs." For the money....?"

" Or for that redhead?"

Maximo runs his tongue through his lips and shooks his head. "I don't want her. I want the bestfriend."

Maria snatches the scope and leaves the male to his wild fantasies. She increases the range and sees her prey: Timothee and Jake.

"So that Twilight is here. Lucky for you to survive that bastard Gong Zi's grasp." She mumbles to herself. " Pathetic."

" Did you feel that?" Jake whispered to Timothee while they casually stood side by side. Towering over normal humans.

" E-yup." Answered Timothee as he pops the 'p'.

His eyes wanders up. Besides him and Jake, the only energy he could sense was Sherry's. But then another one was added. It couldn't possibly be Y/n, right?

Maria almost pushed the storage door fully when Timothee's head snapped towards her direction. His eyes narrowed. She scoots back a little but still kept the scope on Timothee. In his point of view, he was just staring at something unknown. Pitch black. But Maria felt like he was staring right into her soul.

"Oh no. Seems like he wants to crash your skull and pull out your intestines." Maximo mockingly teased her.

Maria tensed at the thought. Timothee tilted his head and his forehead creased. That certain action he does when he's trying to read minds. Wesker told Maria about this.

"Let's go." Maria picks her stuff up and leaves through the back door.

Maximo cackles at her actions. Completely amused. He looks back and saw Timothee talking to Lilith now.

"Adiós, pendejo."


After a good thirty minutes of exploring the museum, the group decided to take a break and eat at a nearby food park. There were different stalls and food trucks to choose from and each food, was. Mouth. Watering. Enough to quench your hunger after walking around for so long.

They gathered around a medium rectangular table and started munching. In the corner of Twilight's eye, she sensed that Timothee's irises would jump from one person to another. Yeah, he was eating too but his attention was everywhere.

He collected several voices in his head but none of them appeared hostile. Twilight saw veins etching the sides of his face so she rests her hand on his shoulder blade which caused him to lose control of the crowd. Timothee felt like he was pulled back to reality.

"Relax." Twilight says before diverting her attention to the others.

Timothee looks around one more time and blinked three times then continued eating his meal like nothing happened.


Yall oh my god. Capcom has tons of surprises lately. I mean, aside from RE4 remake, we got a Dlc with Rose!!! Rosemary Winters!!! What the hell?! 😭😭I can't freaking wait!!! Plus there's a new update with The Mercenaries mode; they added Chris, Lady D and Heisenberg to the playable characters! AND ANOTHER PLUS, THE DLC IS IN THIRD PERSON POV!!!! THE MAIN GAME WILL HAVE THAT OPTION AS WELL WHICH MEANS WE CAN SEE ETHAN'S BACK!


I wanna keyboard smash-


Ok enough. Stay tuned! Comment and vote!<3

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя