Chapter 14 : One Last Time

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Y/n's POV (The Next Day)

Quarter to four, I can still drop by mom and dad at the Police station before picking up Jia. I left work early to pick up some loaves and tea for the two of them. So to sum up, I'll pick up Jia after this, do some grocery shopping and settle some bills. I have to pay for the internet. Fuck.

I didn't know adult problems can get THIS hard. I mean, maybe because I'm the only one in charge and I'm sustaining three. Three women in the house. How much more in the future? I glanced at the bracelet that Gazini gave us. (If you recall my 'date' in Cannary with Carlos). Yeah, what about the future? I wonder where he wants to settle down?

After turning around once more, a dark blue sign with gray walls welcomed me. This reminds me so much of RPD. God, I don't even know what it looks like anymore.

I parked my car on the sidewalk and grabbed the food I brought before leaving the vehicle. As I walked through the concreted floor, I couldn't help but admire the trees in this part of the city. They're blooming. Plus the wind is a paid actor, really.

"Y/n!" I cocked my head to the left and saw Mom waving at me from the entrance. She's radiant as always. Especially her red hair. Now I know why Timmy likes redheads.

"Hi Mom." We wrapped ourselves in each other's embrace as I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter. Then she sighed. "Oh Darling. . ." Mom released me and cupped my cheeks. " You're more radiant than I'll ever be." My jaw dropped. " Did you just read my mind!?" Veronica laughed. " Come. Your father's waiting." Mom took the bags of food from me and I followed her inside.

The station was quite. . . Quaint. There's a second and third floor but it's only accessible for officers working here. The first floor is wide! There are tons of cubicles in the middle, some private offices in the right for high ranking officials, a lounge in the left with some mini kitchen for coffee and in the middle is a flag pole and two stairs on either sides of the wall.

I looked back at mom and she's heading towards the back of the stairs. This must be dad's office. Pretty secluded. "Nathan! Y/n's here!" I heard mom shout as soon as she stepped in. I grabbed the knob and peeked my head. "Y/n!" I grinned when dad turned his swivel chair and pointed at me. "Hi dad."

I closed the door behind me once my whole body got in and made my way to the sofa near his desk. It smells like coffee and old books in here. Super vintage.

"Hun, Y/n really knows your favorite." Veronica unwrapped a loaf with cinnamon fillings in it and broke it into two. I smiled as I watched them eat and talk. It's like they're really meant for each other. After years of searching, I finally found that warmth, this. Despite being busy and all of that, we would try to make time as a family. I don't feel lost. I feel loved. And I'm proud that I got us all together again. I'm so thankful for this moment. Feels nice to keep it as a core memory.

"How are you Y/n?" I snapped back when I heard my dad's voice. "I'm fine dad. I'm just happy seeing you two all lovey dovey." I faked a puke and they laughed. " How's Carlos?" Mom asked as she stirred her cup of tea. I sighed. "Busy with the BSAA. He's currently on a mission outside of the city so I can't reach his phone." Mom mouthed an oh and took a sip of her tea.

"How's the little girl? What's her name again? Jana? Jean?" I chukled. "It's Jia, dad." "Oh okay. Jia."

"She's ok. I'm glad she's doing well in school and she's made a lot of friends. Oh! And I did something, I bought her a calendar and she flips it over each day and writes down whatever happened from day to night."

" Sometimes I forget our baby girl's an adult now." Dad faked a sniff and mom laughed. " Also Timmy hun. We already have a 30+ in the family." She added. " Don't I look 30+?" Dad rubbed his chin as if to look good in front of mom. Mom rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his arm. "Oww!"

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant