Chapter 41: G.A

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"Now, we've set up seven boards around the base. As you can see, the BSAA isn't available at all times. And.." Diana trails off as she slowly turned her head towards the direction of the female teenagers giggling and whispering about. " They would like some privacy."

This made the teens go wild. Various squealing and mentioning random BSAA names erupted from their mouths .

"During your time with Piers, were girls like this?" Carlos whispered to Chris's ear.

The older man sighed. "We hardly dealt with humans that time."

" Silence!" Sasha shouted beside Diana and the noise died down. Save for the random muttering.

" Back to what I was saying. These boards will serve as your request board. Or if you have any concerns or something to report. Grab a piece of paper, write down what you need and post it there." Diana continued to which the older people carefully jotted down.

" Can we write down love letters?!" One of the teens asked.

" Miss, please calm down." Sasha warned her.

God, when will this end?

Diana threw a quick glance to the chair beside her.

I'm tired. My sides hurt.

As Diana continued talking, a small red race car revved under the table. Casually passing by Timothee's feet. A kid crawled underneath the table, smiling from ear to ear.

"Where's my car?" The kid pouted when he saw his car stop exactly on a puddle of mud.

Y/n, who is standing behind her brother noticed the child's smug look. She nudged the redhead in front of her, in hopes of getting her attention but Lilith didn't budge.

Timothee looked up and met with Y/n's gaze. Her irises shifted from his then to the toy car. Suddenly, the car took a U-turn by itself and drove back to where it came from at the beginning. Y/n watched as the kid senselessly followed the toy with his gaze.

Jesus Christ Timothee there's people around here!

The kid picked his car up and walked to Timothee.

"Are you superma-"


The kid grinned at the older male before scurrying away from the adults.

"Y'know you can stand up and pick it up right? What if someone saw you using your powers?" Y/n scolded him.

"Yes mom." Her brother sarcastically answered without batting an eye at her.


"Twilight." Timothee called out to the old woman who dearly smiled at his presence.


"Come with me."

Twilight's forehead creased but she did what she was told anyway. Out in the woods, a black car was parked near the road. Leaning against it was a tall figure with his arms crossed.

The car's headlights flashed for a second as Jake pressed on his car keys. Timothee walked past him and guided Lilith inside the car.

"Oh my god." Twilight breathed out. Her hands reached her face and her eyes softened.

"Oh come on, Twilight." Jake pulled the woman into a hug and she eventually gave in. Tears trickled down the sides of her face.

"You're grown up now." Twilight sobbed.

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora